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China coal surge held back warming

China's soaring coal consumption in the last decade held back global warming as sulfur emissions served as a coolant, according to a study that takes head-on a key argument of climate skeptics, AFP reports. 據(jù)法新社報(bào)道,一項(xiàng)質(zhì)疑影響氣候因素的討論及研究顯示,過(guò)去十年間,中國(guó)煤炭消耗急劇上升,但由于燃燒排放的硫磺具有冷卻作用,從而遏制了全球變暖。?
Coal emits sulfur, which stops the Sun's rays from reaching Earth. 煤炭燃燒排出硫磺,可以阻擋太陽(yáng)光到達(dá)地球。
Robert Kaufmann, a professor at Boston University, said that there was a precedent – greenhouse gas emissions also soared in the post-World War II economic boom in Western countries and Japan. "What happened was at the same time, sulfur emissions increased very rapidly, thereby canceling much of the greenhouse gas effect," Kaufmann said. 波士頓大學(xué)的羅伯特?考夫曼教授稱,這種現(xiàn)象有過(guò)先例,二戰(zhàn)后西方國(guó)家與日本進(jìn)入經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮期,此間溫室氣體排放陡增,“而硫磺排放同時(shí)猛增,便抵消了溫室氣體的作用。”
Global temperatures rose after the early 1970s when major developed nations started to take action to curb sulfur emissions, the study said. 研究顯示,19世紀(jì)70年代初期后,主要發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家都采取措施,遏制硫排放,因此全球氣溫開始上升。

Global coal consumption again rose by 26 percent between 2003 and 2007, with China accounting for more than three quarters of the increase.


(China.org.cn July 7, 2011)
