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Woman slices open own stomach

Wu Yuanbi, 53, suffers from Budd-Chiari syndrome, a chronic condition that causes the belly to fill with fluid.

Wu Yuanbi, 53, suffers from Budd-Chiari syndrome, a chronic condition that causes the belly to fill with fluid.
An old woman in Chongqing Municipality performed surgery on herself because her family couldn't afford the medical fees, Chongqing Morning Post reports. 因為家里無法負擔醫療費用,重慶一位老婦竟給自己動起了手術。
Wu Yuanbi, 53, suffers from Budd-Chiari syndrome, a chronic condition that causes the belly to fill with fluid. When first diagnosed 12 years ago, she and her family pooled all their savings for a procedure to release a whopping 25 kilograms of water from her midsection, yet a recent relapse saw the family too poor to afford the 50,000 yuan for a second operation. 據《重慶晨報》報道,53歲的吳遠碧身患布查氏綜合征,這種慢性病常常引起腹部脹水。12年前首次確診后,家人傾盡所有為她做手術,放出了25公斤的腹水。而前一陣舊病復發,家里卻再也無法承擔5萬元的手術費。
On the evening of May 8, unable to bear the pain, she slit herself open with a knife to relieve the pressure. She was taken to the hospital where she is now recuperation. 5月8日晚,無法忍受病痛的吳遠碧自己拿菜刀將肚子劃開放出腹水。她后來被送進醫院,目前正在進行恢復治療。

Some neighbours said Wu could have paid 120 yuan each year for insurance, which would have saved her 60 percent in medical expenses.

(China.org.cn May 24, 2011)
