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Violence at Beijing Apple store

An Apple store in Beijing was temporarily closed Saturday evening after one of its foreign staff allegedly attacked four Chinese customers waiting in lines outside with an iron rod.

An Apple store in Beijing was temporarily closed Saturday evening after one of its foreign staff allegedly attacked four Chinese customers waiting in lines outside with an iron rod.
An Apple store in Beijing was temporarily closed Saturday evening after one of its foreign staff allegedly attacked four Chinese customers waiting in lines outside with an iron rod, the Beijing Times reported. 據《京華時報》報道,北京一家蘋果店的外籍員工用鐵棍打傷四名在店外排隊等候的顧客,導致該店周六晚間暫時關閉。
Witnesses said the incident occurred Saturday afternoon at the Apple store in Beijing's Sanlitun area, where a crowd of people were queuing in front of the store to purchase the iPad 2. 目擊者稱,周六下午,很多人聚集在三里屯蘋果店前排隊買iPad 2。
The chaos began as some customers kept jumping the queues, later leading to conflicts between customers and the store's guards. 一些顧客總是插隊從而引發混亂,導致顧客與該店的保安發生沖突。
The situation became violent when a foreigner wearing an Apple Store staff uniform came out of the store and started beating some customers. 后來,一位身穿蘋果店制服的外國男子從店里出來開始毆打顧客,導致事態升級為暴力事件。

Beijing police are looking into the case.

(China.org.cn May 9, 2011)
