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Microblog buzz on parliamentary sessions (5)

'Turning points China may face: 1. The demographic dividend will come to an end and we will see a labor shortage. 2. College students will earn little more than ordinary workers, so the idea will spread that study is useless.'

"Turning points China may face: 1. The demographic dividend will come to an end and we will see a labor shortage. 2. College students will earn little more than ordinary workers, so the idea will spread that study is useless."
[中央電視臺記者張泉靈]: [Zhang Quanling, CCTV journalist]:
【中國可能面臨的幾個拐點】1. 人口紅利即將吃光,民工荒將成為常態(tài)。2. 大學(xué)生的待遇與普通工人相比將缺乏優(yōu)勢,新的讀書無用論又將出現(xiàn)。3. 發(fā)展依然是硬道理,但光發(fā)展已不能解決社會的矛盾和經(jīng)濟的結(jié)構(gòu)問題。4. 您問房價?不會瘋漲,但看不出有拐點的樣子,因為說了算的人都不希望拐點的出現(xiàn)。 【Turning points China may face】1. The demographic dividend will come to an end and we will see a labor shortage. 2. College students will earn little more than ordinary workers, so the idea will spread that study is useless. 3. Development is still the top priority but it cannot solve social conflicts or the economy's structural problems. 4. You ask about housing prices? They won't skyrocket, but they won't go down because the decision makers don't want this to happen.
[墨染傾城(網(wǎng)友)]: [Mo Ran Qing Cheng, microblogger]:
景點門票太貴了,本來這些景觀就是屬于人民大眾的,只要收取一點費用作為維護費就好了,高額門票像搶劫。武漢尤其明顯,黃鶴樓居然八十,沒學(xué)生票,請問有寶藏嗎,這么貴值嗎?這是明顯的窮鄉(xiāng)僻壤的土匪做法,別讓外地人看笑話。 Tickets to scenic spots are too expensive. The countryside belongs to the public. It's OK to charge enough to cover maintenance costs, but high-priced tickets are daylight robbery. In Wuhan, it costs 80 yuan to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, and there are no student discounts. I have to ask: Are there treasures there? Does it make sense to charge such a high price? This is how bandits from the mountains behave. It just makes us look stupid.
[政協(xié)委員、《中國美容時尚報》總編輯張曉梅]: [Zhang Xiaomei, editor-in-chief of China Beauty Fashion Newspaper and CPPCC member]:
我今年有一提案,國家應(yīng)支持和保障女性多一些回歸家庭。目前女性過多強調(diào)個人事業(yè)發(fā)展,家庭關(guān)愛不足,孩子缺失教育和人生成長最重要的母愛,引發(fā)社會發(fā)展不均衡,婚姻家庭失衡。母愛不充足會導(dǎo)致孩子缺乏愛的能力、自信力和責任心等。 One of my proposals this year is that the government should provide support and security to women who want to return to family life. Nowadays women pay more attention to their careers than their families. A mother's love is essential to children's growth and education, and its absence can lead to imbalances in marriage, the family and social development. Children who lack a mother's affection not only fail to care for other people, but also lack self confidence and a sense of responsibility.
[鳳凰衛(wèi)視時事評論員邱震海]: [Qiu Zhenhai, Phoenix TV commentator]:
我的記者同行有點出息好不好?不要老是追著那些明星委員跑。真為你們感到汗顏。 To my fellow reporters: Could you please do something that makes more sense? Stop following the star delegates around all day long. It makes me feel ashamed of you.

Excerpts reflect the views of microbloggers, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.