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Microblog buzz on parliamentary sessions (4)

'Personal income tax should be imposed like this: Individuals whose monthly salary is higher than the local average housing price for one square meter should pay personal income tax.'

"Personal income tax should be imposed like this: Individuals whose monthly salary is higher than the local average housing price for one square meter should pay personal income tax."
[二狗(網友)]: [Ergou (Dog #2), microblogger]:
第8000條微博,給兩會提個建議吧。個人所得稅標準這樣確定,月收入超過當地一平米房價平均數的,繳納個人所得稅。 For the 8000th message on my microblog, I would like to make a proposal for this year's NPC and CPPCC sessions. Personal income tax should be imposed like this: Individuals whose monthly salary is higher than the local average housing price for one square meter should pay personal income tax.
[網友劉建東VVV]: [Liu Jiandong VVV, microblogger]:
國務院同意了個稅起征點,對于很多白領階層來說是一個利好消息,可對真正的貧富懸殊和幸福指數的影響還是微乎其微的。戶籍制度改革,教育體制的完善,產業體系的升級,人口的合理控制,法律、法規、制度、政策和措施等的貫徹落實才是重中之重呀! The proposed personal income tax (PIT) threshold hike by the State Council is good news for general white-collar workers. However, the proposal is not enough to bridge the huge gap between the rich and the poor or raise the happiness index. More important are the reform of the household registration and education systems, upgrading the industrial system, population control, and implementation of all related laws, regulations, policies and measures.
[人大代表、TCL集團股份有限公司董事長李東生]: [Li Dongsheng, chairman of TCL Corporation and NPC deputy]:
近日各地再次上調最低工資標準,這對企業經營成本會有壓力。剛才記者問我這個問題時我是這樣回答的;但我同時表示員工收入增加是國家經濟發展社會進步的結果,是件好事。雖然對企業有短期成本壓力,但經濟持續發展,市場銷售增加能給企業帶來更多機會。每次加薪,員工開心,我也更開心。 A new round of minimum wage increases throughout the country will mount pressure on enterprises by increasing operating costs – that's what I said in an interview just now. But I also told the reporter that an increase in income always reflects economic development and social progress. Despite the short-term cost burden, the development of the economy will promote sales, bringing more opportunities to enterprises. So whenever my employees get a raise, I feel even happier than them.
[人大代表、老百姓大藥房連鎖有限公司董事長謝子龍]: [Xie Zilong, chairman of LBX Pharmacy and NPC deputy]:
藥店是一種商業業態,并不存在公益性質,但是藥店是致力于人民健康的服務業,所以要求企業所有者和員工都要有基本的社會公德,不能企業的利益凌駕于人民的利益之上。企業也需要有合理的利潤空間,來維持持續的經營和發展。 Pharmacies are businesses, not public interest groups. Despite this, pharmacies provide health services to people, so both the enterprise owners and their employees should observe basic social ethics. They shouldn't place the benefit of the enterprise over the people. However, pharmacies do need to make reasonable profits to continue operation and expansion.

Excerpts reflect the views of microbloggers, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.