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rear-end collision
Two high-speed trains collide late Saturday in east China's Zhejiang Province, causing at least 35 died and 210 injured. [sina.comc.cn]
Two high-speed trains collide late Saturday in east China's Zhejiang Province, causing at least 35 died and 210 injured. [sina.comc.cn]


※ A high-speed train accident in east China's Zhejiang Province late Saturday killed at least 35 people and injured 191 others, the province's emergency office said. 據浙江省應急辦消息,周六晚間發生的動車追尾和脫軌事故已造成至少35人死亡,191人受傷。
※ The accident occurred at 8:27 p.m. Saturday in Shuangyu Town of Wenzhou when a high-speed train (D301) heading from Beijing to Fuzhou rear-ended another bullet train (D3115) that had lost power and stopped after being struck by lightning, according to a Xinhua report. The impact caused four carriages to derail and fall off a bridge. 事故發生在周六20時27分,北京至福州的D301次列車行駛至溫州市雙嶼路段時,與D3115次列車追尾,造成D301次列車4節車廂從高架橋上掉落。 據新華社報道,事故發生的原因是D3115次列車遭雷擊失去動力后停下,導致被D301次列車追尾。
※ A woman surnamed Zhou in the Lucheng District People's Hospital in Wenzhou said she was on the 11th coach of the hit train when the accident occurred. She and her whole family, four adults and two children, boarded the train in Hangzhou. "At around 8 p.m. at the Yongjia station, the train was supposed to stop for a minute, but actually stayed for 25 minutes," Zhou told Xinhua. "After it moved, we heard a 'bang' and it felt like an earthquake. I immediately held my five-year-old kid in my arms," she said. Zhou sustained a bruise on her arm and her kid suffered a minor head injury. Luckily, all of her family members survived. 在溫州鹿城人民醫院,一名姓周的女士回憶事故時說,她全家6口人,4個大人2個孩子,從杭州上車,坐在D3115列車的11號車廂。她在接受新華社采訪時說:“晚上8點左右,車子到了永嘉站,原本只停一分鐘的動車停了25分鐘左右。動車重新啟動,沒一會兒,突然一聲巨響,仿佛地震一樣,我趕緊抱起5歲的孩子。”她手臂擦傷,孩子頭部受傷,幸運的是全家人都幸免于難。
※ An official from the Ministry of Railways apologized Sunday night to all passengers on two trains that were part of a collision on Saturday in Zhejiang Province, which left 35 people dead and 211 injured, Xinhua reports. Ministry spokesman Wang Yongping also expressed condolences to the victims and bereaved families at the press conference. A total of 132 people are still being treated in hospitals, Wang said. Twelve people remain in critical condition, said Cheng Jinguo, deputy head of the Wenzhou health bureau. Wang said the ministry will find out the cause through thorough investigations and take effective measures to prevent similar accidents. Despite the accident, the spokesman said the ministry is still confident in China's high-speed trains. "China's high-speed train is advanced and qualified," he said. 新華社消息,鐵道部新聞發言人王勇平在周日晚上舉行的新聞發布會上,對造成35人死亡211人受傷的浙江特別重大鐵路交通事故,向所有乘客道歉,向死難乘客及家屬致以哀悼和慰問。目前,尚有132人住院治療。另據溫州市衛生局副局長程錦國說,其中有12人危重。王勇平表示,鐵道部將徹查事故原因,采取有效措施,避免類似事故發生。此次重大事故后,王勇平表示,自己仍對中國高鐵有信心,“中國高鐵的技術是先進的、合格的”。
※ A toddler was rescued 21 hours after the deadly high-speed train crash. The two-year-old girl was found unconscious around 5:15 pm Sunday when rescuers were clearing a badly damaged carriage, Xinhua reports. The accident occurred at 8:38 pm Saturday near Wenzhou. High-speed train D301 rear-ended bullet train D3115, which allegedly lost power after being hit by lightning. Four of the D301's coaches fell off of the bridge, while two of the D3115's coaches were derailed without falling off the bridge. As of 6:00 pm Sunday, at least 35 people were killed and 211 others were injured. 據新華社報道,就在事故發生后21小時,一名小孩又成功獲救。這名2歲的小女孩于周日17時15分左右在一節被嚴重損毀的車廂里被發現,當時處于昏迷狀態。周六晚20時38分,動車D3115次行至溫州境內遭雷擊后失去動力停下,遭D301次動車追尾。事故造成D301次列車四節車廂墜落高架橋,D3115次列車兩節車廂脫軌。截止到周日18時,有35人遇難,211人受傷。

※ Local authorities should spare no efforts to put safety first, as ensuring safe transportation is an important task of protecting people's interests, Li Shenglin, head of the Ministry of Transportation (MOT), said at an emergency meeting held on Sunday after the Saturday high-speed train crash accident. Li said the recent incidents revealed protruding problems, and a nationwide safety inspection should be carried out immediately. Top officials at all levels of authorities should be held responsible for accidents, he said.

※ The Ministry of Railway said that three railway officials were sacked on Sunday after a deadly train collision, Xinhua reported. Long Jing, head of the Shanghai Railway Bureau, was removed from his position. Li Jia, head of the Shanghai Railway Bureau's committee of the Communist Party of China, and He Shengli, deputy chief of the bureau, were also dismissed from office. They will be subject to investigation, the ministry said. 據新華社報道,鐵道部周日宣布,三名鐵路官員因特大列車事故被免職。上海鐵路局局長龍京被撤銷了職務。上海鐵路局黨委書記李嘉、副局長何勝利也被免職。鐵道部表示,他們將接受調查。
※ The death toll from a high-speed train crash in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province on Saturday has risen to 39 as of Monday afternoon, Xinhua reports. The collision also injured 192 people, 12 of whom remained in critical condition on Monday afternoon. The identities of the 39 victims have been confirmed, according to the Wenzhou government. The U.S. Embassy in China confirmed that two American citizens died in the crash. 據新華社報道,截至周一下午,溫州動車追尾事故遇難人數已增至39人,另有192人受傷,其中12人重癥。溫州市政府部門稱,39名遇難者的身份已被確認。美國駐華大使館確認,其中有2名遇難者是美國公民。
※ China's Ministry of Railways will pay 500,000 yuan in compensation to the families of victims of Saturday's high-speed train crash, an official in charge of the compensation deal told Xinhua. The compensation deal was made public late Tuesday after the first family agreed to accept the sum. 據新華社報道,上周六發生的動車追尾事故善后工作組有關負責人表示,鐵道部將為每名遇難者賠償人民幣50萬元。首家遇難者家屬達成賠償協議后,賠償標準于周二晚公布。
※ The Railway Transportation Bureau, part of China's Ministry of Railways, Wednesday ordered all subordinate bureaus to inspect control systems designed by a subsidiary of the China Railway Signal and Communication Group Co., Yicai.com reported. CRSCGC is responsible for integrating the signaling systems for the railway that suffered a fatal accident last Saturday. According to the Yicai.com report, signals on the railway last Saturday failed to indicate a train had slowed down, instead giving another train behind it a green light and causing the deadly rear-end collision. The company published an apology on its website Thursday morning, saying it would cooperate with the investigation and bear responsibility for any mistakes it had made. 據《第一財經日報》報道,鐵道部運輸局周三要求各鐵路局排查中國鐵路通信信號集團公司一家下屬企業設計的列車運行控制系統,該集團為上周六發生重大事故的甬溫線提供信號總體集成。報道稱,在此次追尾事故中,前車減速行駛后,信號機卻顯示為綠色信號,造成后車追尾。周四上午,該企業在其網站發布道歉信,表示將配合調查,敢于承擔責任,接受應得的處罰。

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