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        (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
        (Elizabeth Taylor)
          理查德?伯頓(Richard Burton)
          雷克斯?哈里森(Rex Harrison)
        (Roddy McDowall)
        (Cesare Danova)



The Story




The movie opens shortly after the Battle of Pharsalus where Julius Caesar (Rex Harrison) has defeated Pompey. Pompey flees to Egypt, hoping to enlist the support of the young Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII and his sister Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor). 在法薩盧戰役中,尤利烏斯?愷撒(雷克斯?哈里森 飾)擊敗了龐培軍團,影片就此展開。龐培逃到了埃及,希望能夠得到年輕的法老托勒密十三世與其姊克婁巴特拉(伊麗莎白?泰勒 飾)的幫助。
Caesar pursues. As a gesture of 'goodwill', the Egyptians present Caesar with Pompey's head. As Caesar settles in at the palace, Apollodorus (Cesare Danova), disguised as a rug peddler, brings a gift from Cleopatra. When a suspicious Caesar unrolls the rug, he finds Cleopatra herself concealed within. He is intrigued. 愷撒乘勝追擊。為了向這位統帥示好,埃及人獻上了龐培的頭顱。愷撒在埃及的宮殿里安頓下來,期間,偽裝成地毯商販的阿波羅多洛斯(西薩爾?達諾瓦 飾)為愷撒帶來了克婁巴特拉的禮物。心存疑慮的愷撒展開地毯,發現克婁巴特拉本人就裹在地毯中。他很快被這位美人迷住了。
Cleopatra is crowned Queen of Egypt. She dreams of ruling the world with Caesar. When their son Caesarion is born, Caesar accepts him publicly, which becomes the talk of Rome and the Senate. 克婁巴特拉加冕為埃及女王,她夢想著與愷撒一起統治世界。兩人的兒子愷撒里昂誕生之后,愷撒公開承認了這個孩子,整個羅馬和元老院都對此議論紛紛。
After he is made dictator for life, Caesar sends for Cleopatra. She arrives in Rome in a lavish procession and wins the adulation of the Roman people. The Senate grows increasingly discontented amid rumors that Caesar wishes to be made king, which is anathema to the Romans. 成為羅馬的終身獨裁官之后,愷撒派人去接克婁巴特拉。埃及女王來到了羅馬,她奢華的儀仗隊列受到了羅馬人民的熱烈追捧。之后,愷撒想要稱王的謠言甚囂塵上,羅馬人對此深惡痛絕,元老院的不滿情緒日益高漲。
On the Ides of March 44 B.C., the Senate is preparing to vote on whether to award Caesar additional powers. Despite warnings from his wife and Cleopatra, he is confident of victory. However, he is stabbed to death by various senators. 公元前44年3月15日,元老院準備在這一天投票表決是否授予愷撒更大的權力。愷撒堅信自己會獲勝,沒有理會妻子和克婁巴特拉的警告,結果被一群元老院的成員刺死。
Octavian (Roddy McDowall), Caesar's nephew, is named as his heir, not Caesarion. Realizing she has no future in Rome, Cleopatra returns home to Egypt. Two years later, Marc Antony (Richard Burton) establishes a second triumvirate with Octavian and Lepidus. They split up the empire. However, the rivalry between Octavian and Antony is becoming apparent. 愷撒的甥孫屋大維成了他的繼承者,而不是愷撒里昂。克婁巴特拉意識到自己在羅馬已沒有前途可言,于是回到了家鄉埃及。兩年之后,馬克?安東尼(理查德?伯頓 飾)與屋大維、李必達結成了“后三頭同盟”,共同瓜分了羅馬。然而,屋大維和安東尼之間的對立開始逐漸顯現。
While planning a campaign against Parthia in the east, Antony realizes he needs money and supplies, and cannot get enough from anywhere but Egypt. After refusing several times to leave Egypt, Cleopatra gives in and meets him in Tarsus. They soon become lovers. 安東尼計劃東征帕提亞帝國,他意識到只有埃及能夠為他提供充足的金錢和補給。面對安東尼的邀請,克婁巴特拉多次拒絕,但最終還是妥協,離開埃及來到塔普蘇斯與安東尼見面。兩人很快墜入愛河。
Octavian uses their affair in his smear campaign against Antony. He clamors for war against Antony and his "Egyptian whore". The Senate is unmoved by his demands until Octavian reveals that Antony has left a will stating that he is to be buried in Egypt; shocked and insulted, the Senators who had previously stood by Antony abandon their hero and vote for war. 屋大維利用這段戀情在斗爭中抹黑安東尼。他叫囂要討伐安東尼和他的“埃及婊子”。起初,元老院不為所動;屋大維隨即揭露出安東尼曾經留下遺囑要求死后葬在埃及。元老們震驚了,他們感覺受到了侮辱。原先站在安東尼一方的那些元老也拋棄了他們的英雄,轉而支持對他宣戰。
The war is decided at the naval Battle of Actium. Seeing Antony's ship burning, Cleopatra assumes he is dead and orders the Egyptian forces home. Antony follows, leaving his fleet leaderless and soon defeated. His soldiers have lost faith in him and abandon him during the night. Antony tries to goad Octavian into single combat, but is finally forced to flee into the city. 這場戰爭中決定性的一役是亞克興角海戰。戰斗中,克婁巴特拉看到安東尼所乘的戰艦著了火,以為他已經戰死,于是命令她的軍隊撤回埃及。安東尼隨即拋下戰斗追趕而去。他的艦隊群龍無首,因此遭遇慘敗。安東尼的士兵們對他失望至極,入夜后便棄他而去。安東尼試圖刺激屋大維與他一對一地決斗,但沒有成功,被迫逃回城中。
Antony falls on his own sword and he dies in Cleopatra's arms. Realizing that her son is also dead, Cleopatra arranges to be bitten by a poisonous asp.


(China.org.cn Rebecca 譯)

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