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The Town

片名:The Town
導演:本?阿弗萊克(Ben Affleck)
主演:本?阿弗萊克(Ben Affleck)
           麗貝卡?豪爾(Rebecca Hall)
           喬?哈姆(Jon Hamm)
           布萊克?萊弗利(Blake Lively)
           杰瑞米?雷納(Jeremy Renner)
         (Pete Postlethwaite)
           克里斯?庫柏(Chris Cooper)



The Story




There are more bank and armored car robbers in Charlestown, Massachusetts than anywhere else in the United States according to the opening credits in The Town, and the film centers on one successful gang who call Charlestown home. Doug (Affleck) could have been a professional hockey player but anger management issues kept him from a sports career. Instead, he wound up following in his father's footsteps, robbing banks for a living. He's smart, doesn't take unnecessary risks, and has the respect of his crew. Jem (Jeremy Renner) is Doug's best friend and right-hand man, a real hothead who's quick to shoot his way out of messy situations. Jem served time and never lets Doug forget he owes him big-time for not giving up any names. Jem's sister, Krista (Blake Lively), is hooked on Doug and drugs, although Doug's just not that into her other than as an occasional sexual partner. Pulling the strings behind the scene is Fergie (Pete Postlethwaite) as a money-laundering florist who sets up jobs and rules with an iron fist. 馬薩諸塞州的查爾斯鎮是全美銀行及運鈔車劫匪出沒最多的地方,這在《城中大盜》的片頭字幕里就做了說明。影片圍繞一伙搶劫犯展開,他們“小有成就”,查爾斯鎮便是他們的家。道格(本?阿弗萊克 飾)本應成為一名專業的曲棍球運動員,但因其對憤怒情緒管理不善,斷送了自己的體育職業生涯。結果,他步其父后塵,過上了以搶劫銀行為生的日子。精明的他從來不去冒無謂的風險,因此很受同伴的尊重。杰姆(杰瑞米?雷納 飾)是道格最好的朋友,也是他的得力助手,但他性格魯莽,面對混亂局面,總愛用武力來幫自己解脫。杰姆坐過牢,他也因此一直要道格記?。阂驗闆]有供出任何人的名字,道格欠他一個大人情。杰姆的妹妹克麗斯塔(布萊克?萊弗利 飾)吸毒成癮,還對道格滿懷癡情,但道格對她并沒那么迷戀,只是偶爾把她當成性伴侶而已。弗格森(皮特?波斯爾思韋特 飾)則是這一切犯罪行動的幕后操縱者,他表面上是個花商,其實從事洗錢活動,并用鐵腕手段制定規則,布置任務。
When we catch up with the gang, they're pulling off a carefully planned out bank job. The job goes wrong - the bank manager, Claire (Rebecca Hall), manages to push the silent alarm - and the guys must escape by taking Claire hostage, something completely outside of their normal modus operandi. The blindfolded Claire is eventually let out on a deserted stretch of beach, unharmed but terrified and confused. The robbers have her driver’s license and, after heated discussions, Doug says he'll take care of making sure Claire can't identify them and won't cause any trouble. 跟進這個搶劫團伙,我們發現他們正在搶劫一家銀行。盡管計劃周密,但這次的任務還是出了差錯。銀行經理克萊爾(麗貝卡?豪爾 飾)成功地發出了無聲警報;為了脫逃,這伙人不得不將克萊爾劫為人質,而這完全不符合他們的一貫做法??巳R爾被蒙住了雙眼,最終被釋放在一片荒蕪的海灘上,盡管安然無恙,卻很是驚恐慌亂。劫匪們拿了她的駕照;一陣激烈的爭論之后,道格提出他會料理后續的事情,確保克萊爾無法指認他們,而且不會給他們招來任何麻煩。
But Doug actually has an ulterior motive to spying on Claire. Something about her caught his attention during the robbery, and while it's not love at first sight, he's definitely immediately infatuated with the dark-haired beauty who now seems so vulnerable after her frightening experience. Pretending to be just another guy using a laundromat, Doug strikes up a conversation with Claire which leads to an actual date which leads to a real relationship. Or at least as real of a relationship as possible when one half of the couple is lying about nearly everything. Doug doesn't tell Claire that he's the leader of the gang of bank robbers who held her briefly hostage, and when Jem catches up with the couple outside a restaurant, the air is thick with tension as Doug can only wait to see if Claire will piece together the puzzle (the scene's as nail-bitingly suspenseful as any of the action sequences in the film). 但實際上,道格暗中監視克萊爾卻是別有用心。搶劫作案時,她身上有種東西引起了他的注意。即使不算一見鐘情,他也一定是很快迷戀上了這個黑發美人;在經歷這次驚嚇之后,她如今看上去是那么的脆弱。在一家自助洗衣店,道格假扮成顧客跟克萊爾搭訕,之后有了真正的約會,一段真戀情也就這么開始了。至少,當這對戀人中的一個對一切都瞞天過海時,這段感情就像真的一樣。道格并沒有告訴克萊爾他就是那伙銀行搶劫犯的頭目,而且還曾劫持她為人質。但是,當杰姆在一家飯館外趕上這對戀人時,氣氛變得緊張、沉重起來,這個時候的道格只能靜等著看克萊爾是否能拼湊出事實的真相。(這一場景毫不亞于電影中的任何動作戲,懸念迭出,叫人緊張。)
Meanwhile, FBI Agent Frawley (Jon Hamm) is hot on the gang's tail. Frawley's absolutely relentless in his pursuit of the bank robbers and that, along with his relationship with Claire and Jem's loose cannon ways, has Doug on edge and ready to leave a life of crime behind. But getting out isn't easy and neither is coming clean with the woman he first terrorized and now loves.

與此同時,聯邦調查局探員弗勞利(喬?漢姆 飾)正在密切追蹤這個犯罪團伙。弗勞利對他們窮追不舍;考慮到與克萊爾之間的感情,又想起杰姆總是我行我素、不顧后果的處事方式,道格感到緊張不安,于是準備結束曾經的犯罪生涯。然而,脫離團伙并不是一件容易的事;而面對那個他最初恐嚇、如今又愛戀的女人,想將一切和盤托出也相當困難。

(China.org.cn Wendy 譯)

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