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figure skating

當地時間2010212日—28,第21屆冬奧會在加拿大溫哥華舉行,開幕式恰好在中國的除夕。本屆冬奧會比賽設15大項86個小項。中國運動員在短道速滑(short track speed skating)、花樣滑冰(figure skating)、速度滑冰(speed skating)、單板滑雪(snowboarding)、冰壺(curling)等諸多項目上具有奪金實力,他們用自己出色的表現為全國的體育迷奉獻了一道春節的饕餮盛宴。下面讓我們結合熱門比賽的報道來學習各個競賽項目的英文名稱。


Now, the golden dream has come true. It has been China's first ever Olympic title in figure skating. And Shen and Zhao become the first ever non-European couple to top the Olympic pairs podium in history, snapping a 12-Games winning streak of Russia who had dominated the Olympic figure skating pairs events for 46 years.

—— Excerpt from Shen's family hails ending of 20-year wait for Olympic gold


Defending Olympic champion Wang Meng of China got on her knees after retaining the women's 500 meters short track speed skating title on Wednesday at the Vancouver Winter Games.

Crossing the line first in 43.048 seconds, the reigning world record holder for the event twice slightly knocked the ice with her head in the direction of the Chinese team staffs before jumping into the arms of head coach Li Yan.

—— Excerpt from Wang on knees to legend coach after retaining 500m short track Olympic title


World number one Zhou Yang overcame three South Korean rivals to win the women's short track speed skating 1,500 meters final at the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games here Saturday evening.

The 18-year-old made perfect debut as she set an Olympic record of a winning time of two minutes and 16.993 seconds among other seven skaters.

—— Excerpt from Zhou Yang wins women's short track 1500m final


Wang Beixing will be returning to China with a bronze medal after sliding onto the podium in the 500 meter speed skating event.

Wang Beixing was a major hope for the country's second gold medal at the Winter Games. But it wasn't to be as South Korea's Lee Sang-hwa claimed gold with a time of 76 point 09 seconds. She blitzed reigning world record holder Jenny Wolf into second by five hundredths of a second. After a tough competition, Wang finished with 76 point 63 seconds to settle for bronze.

—— Excerpt from China's Wang Beixing wins bronze in 500m

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