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Charity auction boosts Thang-ga painting school

By Li Xiao
China.org.cn staff reporter

The charity auction includes several Thang-ga paintings as well as woks of calligraphy. [Li Xiao/China.org.cn]
The charity auction includes several Thang-ga paintings as well as woks of calligraphy. [Li Xiao/China.org.cn]

A school teaching traditional Tibetan Thang-ga painting in West China's Qinghai Province is to be expanded with 300,000 yuan (US$45,000) raised at a December 19 charity auction organized by the Beijing Saving Foundation Association (BSFA). 北京四維慈善基金會于1219日舉辦了一場慈善拍賣會。拍賣所得30萬元人民幣(約合4.5萬美元)全部用于援建位于青海省的一所教授西藏傳統畫藝“唐卡”的學校。 
The Tibetan word "Thang-ga” refers to silk, satin or cloth scroll paintings depicting Buddhist themes, historical events, folk tales and myths. Thang-ga painters use special pigments made from rare minerals and plants to make bright colors that can last for hundreds of years. Their works are hung in halls and temples and are regarded as devotional objects by Tibetans. “唐卡”在藏語中是指用綢緞或布料所制的卷軸畫。唐卡描繪的內容包括了佛教主題、歷史事件、民間傳說和神話。唐卡畫家用稀有的礦物和植物制成特殊的顏料,繪制出色彩鮮艷的圖畫,歷經數百年而不褪色。藏族人將唐卡懸掛在廳里或寺廟中參拜禱告。
It takes a child six to seven years to learn the skills of a Thang-ga painter. The long training period, and the loss of some traditional Thang-ga pigments and painting techniques have threatened the survival of the art form. To protect this unique folk art, a school in Qinghai Province in western China teaches Thang-ga painting techniques to children from poor families free of charge. The project to boost the Longshu Painting Institute is co-sponsored by BSFA and the Qinghai Charitable Association. The aims of the Longshu Institute are to promote culture in poverty-stricken areas, provides a means for people to make a good living, and ensure the art form is passed down from generation to generation. 通常一個孩子要花上67年才能學會整套制作唐卡的技藝。培訓時間過長,加上一些傳統顏料配方和繪畫技巧的遺失,使這種藝術形式的傳承面臨危機。為了保護這種獨特的民間藝術,一所位于青海省的學校開始免費教授來自貧困家庭的孩子畫唐卡。“龍樹畫苑”援建項目是由北京四維慈善基金會和青海省慈善協會共同啟動的。建校的目的在于在促進貧困地區的文化推廣工作,在為人們提供致富手段的同時,確保唐卡這種藝術形式能夠一代代傳承下去。
The Longshu Painting Institute was founded by the well-known Thang-ga artists Quzhi and Zhaxijiancuo, both students of Jiumeiquzong, a master painter who served the 9th Panchan Lama. Quzhi recruits students from poor families and gives them elementary lessons and Thang-ga painting lessons free of charge. Sometimes he even pays salaries to the students out of his own pocket to ease the financial burden on their families. The center has trained more than 200 children from local families, 56 of whom have gone on to become Thang-ga painters. Longshu students have participated in a number of national renovation projects, such as the frescoes at Wutai Mountain, the Ta’er Temple and the Labrang Monastery. “龍樹畫苑”由著名唐卡畫家曲智和扎西尖措創辦。兩位創辦者都是九世班禪的畫師久美曲宗大師的弟子。曲智從當地貧困家庭招收學生,免費教給他們基礎的文化課和繪制唐卡的方法。有時他甚至自掏腰包給學生發工資,緩解他們的家庭經濟負擔。藝術中心共培養了200多名學生,其中56人已經能夠獨立制作唐卡。中心的學生參與了很多國家級的修復工程,其中包括五臺山、塔爾寺和拉卜楞寺的壁畫修復。
To further boost the teaching of Thang-ga, a formal school with more space and better teaching facilities was needed. On December 19, 2009, BSFA held a charity auction of more than 20 paintings in Beijing, including ink paintings by Fu Baoshi (1904-1965), as well as several Thang-ga paintings. Proceeds from the sale will be used to build new facilities and support poor students through their studies. 為了進一步促進唐卡教學,藝術中心需要籌建一所空間更大、教學設施更完備的正規學校。20091219日,北京四維慈善基金會在北京舉辦了一場慈善拍賣會。20余件拍品中包括了國畫大師傅抱石的水墨畫和幾幅唐卡。拍賣所得將全部用于龍樹畫苑的教學設施建設和貧困學生的助學。
“This is the second charity auction we’ve held for the Longshu Painting Institute project,” said Eric Wu, of the BSFA. “Many people have donated money for the construction of the school. Others have bid for items on auction. But we still have a 1.6 million yuan shortfall, even after counting the 1 million yuan raised in the first auction.” 北京四維慈善基金會理事吳明遠說:“這是我們第二次舉辦慈善拍賣會,為援建‘龍樹畫苑’募集資金。很多人為學校的建設捐助錢款,或是在拍賣會上參加競拍。但是加上第一次拍賣會所得的100萬元,目前距離項目預算還有160萬元的資金缺口。”
Wu said there a much bigger auction will be held next May and he is confident that by then they will have raised enough money to build the school.


(China.org.cn 李瀟 )

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