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New war of the flea: CSR and labor activism in China (II)

By John Sexton
China.org.cn staff reporter

Dongguan, which has a population of 7 million and is 100 kilometers from Hong Kong, owes much of its prosperity to contract manufacturing for major brands and multinationals. [File photo]
Dongguan, which has a population of 7 million and is 100 kilometers from Hong Kong, owes much of its prosperity to contract manufacturing for major brands and multinationals. [File photo]

Rather, activist groups like SACOM and Li Qiang's China Labor Watch are using what they see as the multinationals' Achilles heel their concern over public image as a weapon in the unequal battle between the international giants and their low-paid workers. Like a guerrilla band harassing a conventional army, they believe their pinprick attacks, a 21st century war of the flea, will eventually force concessions. 在這場跨國巨頭和低薪工人之間的戰爭中,SACOM等組織利用他們眼里的跨國公司的致命弱點­——注重公司形象——作為戰斗的武器,就像游擊隊不斷騷擾一只常規部隊。他們相信,見縫插針的攻擊將最終擊潰敵人,這是一場21世紀的蟻象之戰。
Many contract manufacturers are multinationals in their own right. Delta Group employs more than 60,000 people in factories in Taiwan, China's mainland, Thailand, Mexico, India and Europe. According to its website, it produces power supplies, visual displays, networking products and provides industrial automation and renewable energy solutions. Chairman and founder Bruce Cheng has made large donations to universities in Taiwan, and the company has its own CSR program. 許多代工工廠本身就是跨地區的企業。Delta集團在中國大陸、臺灣、泰國、墨西哥、印度和歐洲等地雇用了6萬多名員工。據它的網站介紹,該集團生產電源、顯示器、網絡產品,并提供工業自動化以及可再生能源的解決方案。主席及創始人Bruce Cheng曾向臺灣的多所大學捐款,該集團擁有自己的企業社會責任項目。
The company says it views the SACOM training course as a routine matter. "Delta has been conducting the training courses by itself years before SACOM/LESN's training courses this time. Delta itself will continue to conduct its own training courses like before in the future. SACOM/LESN's training courses are a repeat program of Delta existing training program," the company told us in an email. Delta說,他們認為邀請SACOM進行培訓是常規性的事務。“在此次培訓之前,我們自己就開展過同樣的培訓課程。我們還會和過去一樣,在未來開展自己的培訓。SACOMLESN的培訓課程是對我們現有培訓項目的重復。”該公司在一封郵件中如是說。
Delta told us that 65 percent of its Donguan workers are female and that the company "follows the minimum wages rule required by local government. Delta uses the minimum wages of RMB 770 (US$113) /person/month as a starting base. Delta workers can easily earn up to RMB 1300 - 1900 (US$190 - 278)/person/month." Delta說他們在東莞的工人中有 65%是女性員工,實行的是地方政府規定的最低工資標準。Delta把每人每月770元(約合美元112元)作為初始工資,而Delta的員工每個月很容易拿到13001900元(約合美元190-278元)不等的工資。
Chicony vice president Chris Huang also indicated that their wages were around the legal minimum. SACOM's report on the training quoted him as saying "We pay workers in strict accordance with the Dongguan legal minimum wage law." Chicony的副總裁Chris Huang 說他們的工資幾乎與法定標準一樣。SACOM在對培訓所作的報告中援引Chris Huang的話稱,Chicony嚴格依照東莞的法定最低工資標準支付工人工資。
The problem is that the local minimum wage is very low. Although Dongguan is a major city with a population of nearly 7 million and all the usual bright lights and skyscrapers associated with modern China, it has built much of its prosperity on contract manufacturing. Less than 2 million of its inhabitants are registered as permanent residents; the rest are migrants from other areas of China. City bosses, whose performance is still judged mainly by GDP figures, have deliberately kept the minimum wage relatively low, well aware that in nearby Vietnam there are millions of workers willing to work for even less, should the multinationals that, after all, call the shots choose to decamp. 但問題在于當地的最低工資標準本身非常低。盡管東莞是一個人口近700萬的大城市,這里霓虹爭耀、高樓林立,一派現代中國城市的面貌, 但是這座城市的財富積累很大程度上來自于那些代工工廠。人口中,只有兩百萬不到的常住居民,而剩下的人都是來自中國其他地區的民工。城市領導人的政績仍然以GDP作為衡量標準,他們有意壓低最低工資標準,以防跨國公司選擇去鄰邦越南設廠經營,因為領導人意識到那里有數百萬工人愿意拿更低廉的工資工作。

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