
Media Comments
- Boost central regions
- Looking for answers
- People's Daily editorial hails opening of annual parliament session
- People's Daily commentary hails new drive on government reform
- Meetings see new changes
- A sign of maturity
- People's Daily hails opening of CPPCC session
- Channel for supervision
- Support for innovation
- Bringing the mass line to gov't leaders
- Public service minds
- A matter of common sense?
- More work on inflation
- Merger of ministries means better efficiency
- Taxpayers' rights are key
- Give public hearings a credible role to play
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House price 'turning point' theory contested
Gov't reshuffle not aimed at shedding civil service jobs
Chen Wenfu: the priority is to teach farmers how to cultivate super rice
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Home prices to be part of performance
Officials' ability to keep real estate prices stable and affordable will be a major criterion in deciding their performance and career prospects. Full story
New minister knows power of culture
I have made friends and built a close relationship with the media during my tenure at the State Council Information Office. We will remain friends after I move to the Ministry of Culture. Full story
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- More help for new moms, disabled
- Bright outlook for graying population
- Sports equipment firm lands 6 Olympic golds
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