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Bring your own sunblock

Sanya | JANSKU | 2007-07-14 22:12:54 GMT-5


Four words for a Sanya visitor: bring your own sunblock. Local brands really don't work (I'm all red now...) and western brands are 1) really hard to find 2) unbelievably expensive when found.


My adventure didn't start with China

-General- | GAZZA20 | 2007-06-13 01:14:11 GMT-5


Courteous readers:


I only have a few tips: keep an open mind and try to learn some of the language. People will appreciate it and you will go far in making friends if you do these things.


Most people I meet are shy and won't discuss things so openly with us as outsiders. Topics that contain adult content make most people feel uncomfortable, but that seems to be changing.


I guess the most challenging thing I have ever done was to go from a weight of 300 pounds in 3 years to 180 pounds where I am now.


Just keep trying, whatever it is you are doing and you will get it right one day and succeed. Do not be put off or have your heart broken by failure.


Success comes to those who are patient, especially if you are learning English.

I find Chinese very challenging and rewarding.


Happy journey.



Photographic tips

-General- | DAVEC | 2007-04-14 15:12:57 GMT-5


As a photographer myself, there are some essential items to take that occasionally get overlooked. First to pack has to be silica sachets, air conditioning and in and out of rooms will produce condensation and they help big time. Small screwdrivers, just a tiny cheap set for the 'what-if' situation. Spares of everything, batteries, film or memory cards because there is every chance you will need them. On the subject of memory cards take more than 1 and change it in the camera regularly, so if you ever lose or damage 1 then you still get a good selection of images. Don’t forget to format your memory cards too (but then you knew that anyway). Consider a well-padded and weatherproof case for your gear it is a good investment. Personally I use Lowepro and swear by it, great protection AND a lifetime guarantee.


Enjoy your trip to China and if you see a big guy carrying a huge backpack full of too much photo gear looking worn out that will be me, smile and say hi!!



-General- | JOSE | 2007-04-01 20:55:59 GMT-5


If you don’t have a Chinese Visa, you can get it easily in Hong Kong, after a 24 hour wait you will have it.


They blow the language barrier up!

-General- | JIANSI | 2007-02-01 22:48:21 GMT-5


I am sure most of you have had the same experience in China when it comes to communication with the locals! Of course, the language barrier is part of the fun of travelling. But when it constantly consumes your time and energy you quickly feel exhausted and start to wonder where the fun is.

So I think the following tip should be pretty useful: I tested an interpretation hotline, and I must say: it works! They saved me a lot of time and energy. The one I tried is called HiWei (a quick search should get you their website). They are new comers and I have to say that they could improve a bit. But they have always been really dedicated in solving my problems and very kind. They helped me with taxi drivers, train station employees, restaurant waiters and even a tailor. I've heard of other such hotlines has anyone tried them?


Not getting lost

-General- | APAULT | 2006-12-17 00:30:49 GMT-5


When you arrive in a new place you should:

1. Make sure you have the address of your accommodation written in Chinese so that you can show a taxi driver. Also note the phone number.

2. Note whether the hotel is on the north, east, south, west side of the road, or if it is a major road, which side of the road - on the way in or way out.

3. Write down the bus routes that pass your hotel, then you can usually jump on a bus, but it helps if you have the info from point 2 or you might go the wrong way.

4. Identify a major landmark that you can easily get back to and then perhaps you know the way home.

5. Buy a map as soon as you can even if it is only in Chinese it can help, especially if you have a compass. If the bus routes are shown this can help you find where you are. Also many locals can help you more if you have a map.

6. Phone your hotel and then pass the phone to a willing local.


General Travel Tips

Shanghai | RIVERMILLS | 2006-12-05 17:23:47 GMT-5


We visited Shanghai in March 2006 to for a business/pleasure trip attend the East China Fair, and to see the sites in and around Shanghai. We had a most productive visit and a wonderful time. Our stay was made all the better for 3 main reasons.


1. We hired an interpreter/guide for the entire visit. She met us at the airport, arranged taxi travel to our hotel and basically made sure everything we needed was taken care of.

We found her by placing an AD online. The cost was very reasonable and the service she provided was even better.


2. Through our interpreter we also hired a car & driver for the week. This made traveling around the city and to our factory visits very easy.


3. We stayed at a 1st Class hotel, the Shanghai Renaissance. The hotel staff spoke English and the accommodations and restaurants were all very nice.


We look forward to returning to China again next year.


Be For Time Tea Houses

Harbin | LEMONCACTUS | 2006-09-23 22:50:49 GMT-5


Recommending this place as somewhere to escape from the bitter cold of winter in Harbin. Great place to people watch and relax.


Cafe like atmosphere, small tables on different levels. You can read magazines or the morning paper, play cards or watch videos on the TVs suspended from the ceiling.


For 18 RMB you can order as many drinks as you like: tea, soft drinks and warm milk drinks. You also get complimentary dishes of nuts and fruits. You can order food or ice cream etc, this will cost extra. Enjoy :)


Pedestrian Crossings

-General- | KEVINWARDCFC | 2006-06-15 04:44:38 GMT-5


Normally, when the 'little green man' is flashing at pedestrian crossings, it is safe to cross the road. But in parts of China this is not the case. Even when it is green for pedestrians, traffic turning from the right may pose a problem, because it also has green signal. Better to be alert, even on green.


Be Prepared to Take Lots of Photos

Shanghai | KENDEF | 2006-02-17 15:41:22 GMT-5


Shanghai is a photographer’s dream. There are great photo opportunities around every corner. Bring plenty of film or memory cards. The contrast between the old and new is at times, startling. I don't think you will find architecture like this anywhere else.


An unlikely place to visit

Shijiazhuang | HELENDANGER | 2006-02-06 14:28:45 GMT-5


If you are going to China for just two weeks, this would be a strange city to stop in. While it does have a pretty nice temple and an okay museum, this is no showcase for the beauty of China. However, if you're looking to get away from tourists and see a big new Chinese city, this is a decent option. Unless you're in a McDonalds or Pizza Hut, odds are you won't see any other foreigners wandering around Shijiazhuang. Of course, accordingly, you won't find as many people who speak English as you would in Beijing or Shanghai, so watch out if you speak zero Chinese.


Perks: special treatment at many restaurants and shops, seeing a piece of the new China, you can find most anything you want to buy if you look hard enough, sellers aren't as likely to raise prices on you just because you're foreign.


Drawbacks: you'll get stared at and maybe yelled "hello!" at (especially if you get away from the downtown), dirty, not many other travelers to meet there.


Waking early morning

-General- | MADL49 | 9/11/2005 5:42:13 AM GMT-5


You have better to wake early in the morning in China to see the people exercising through the streets and squares. The life starts in China earlier than most other countries. You can see the people going to work or exercising on 5:00 am or even earlier!


Christian Churches in Chongqing

Chongqing | PRAYINGPOLARBEAR | 2005-2-4 9:32:34 GMT-5


Jiefangxilu Church

Add: No. 47, Jiefang Xi Road, Yuzhong District

Tel: 023-63704844

Services: Sunday9:00

Nanwenquan Church

Add:No.22 Gongyuan Road, Jiulongcheng District, Chongqing

Tel: 023-62848653

Services: Sunday

Ciqi Street Church

Add: No.96, Ciqi Street, Zhongqu, Chongqing

Tel: 023-63825024

Services: Sunday9:00

Maanshan Church

Add: No.135, Maianshan Xijie, Nanan District, Chongqing

Tel: 023-62871857

Services: Sunday9:00

Dadukou Church

Add: No.27, Mawang Street, Dadukou District, Chongqing

< SPAN lang=EN-US style="mso-fareast-font-family: 宋體">Tel: 023-68832139

Services: Sunday10:00

Beibei Church

Add.: No.118, Yutangwan, Beibei District

Tel: 023-68861639

Services: Sunday10:00

Shapingba District Christian Church

Add: No.22 Ganzi Villiage, Tianxingqiao, Shaping District, Chongqing

Tel: 023-65306440

Services: Sunday8:30

Jiangbei Christian Church

Add: No.164, Jiangbei Zhengjie, Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Tel: 023-67552655

Services: Sunday9:00


Christian Churches in Beijing

Beijing | PRAYINGPOLARBEAR | 2005-1-12 12:21:07 GMT-5


Chongwen Men Church

Add: No.2, Hougou Hutong, Chongwenmennei

Tel: 010-65133549

Services: Sunday 9:30

Kuanjie Church

Add: no.50 Dongda Street, Di An Men, Dongcheng District

Tel: 010-64032592

Services: Sunday9:00

Haidian Church

Add.:No.10 Zhuaishuihu, Haidian District

Tel: 010-62551392

Serviced: Sunday9:00

Zhushikou Church

Add: No.129, Qianmen Street

Tel: 010-63016678

Services: Sunday7:30 10:00

Waigangshi Church

Add: No.57, Xisi Nanda Street

Tel: 010-66176181

Services: Sunday7:30 9:30 13:00 19:00


Christian Churches in Shanghai

Shanghai | PRAYINGPOLARBEAR | 2005-1-11 17:57:31 GMT-5


International Worship Church

Add: No.53, Hengshan Road

Tel: 021-64376576

Services: Sunday 7:30 10:00 19:00

Hudong Church

Add: No.350 Guohe Road

Tel: 021-65337102

Services: Sunday 7:00 9:30

Huxi Church

Add: No.1465 Changning Road

Tel: 021-62597389, 62736323

Services: Sunday 7:30 9:30 19:00

Huaien Church

Add: No.375 Shaanxi Bei Road

Tel: 021-62539394, 62585598

Services: Sunday 9:00 19:00 Saturday 9:00

Jingling Church

Add.: No.135 Kunshan Road

Tel: 021-63243021, 63642629

Service: Sunday 7:00 9:30 19:00

Muen Church

Add: No.316 Xizang Zhong Road

Tel: 021-63225069

Services: Sunday 7:30 9:30 14:00 19:00 Saturday 9:00 Thursday 9:30

Puan Church

Add.: No.1907 Zhongshan Bei Road

Tel: 021-62146562

Services: Sunday 7:00 9:30

Qingxin Church

Add: No.30 Dachang Street

Tel: 021-63770874

Services: Sunday 7:30 9:30 19:00

Zhabei Church

Add: No.340 Baotong Road

Tel: 021-56629409, 56634960-0748

Services: Sunday 7:30 9:30 19:00

Zhusheng Church

Add: No.425 Fuxing Zhong Road

Tel: 021-63850906

Services: Sunday 7:00 9:30


The best time to go to Macau

Macau | JASMINEFONG | 2005-1-11 15:07:16 GMT-5


The best time to go to Macau is during the festivals. The important festivals include Christmas, New Year’s, Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the Fifth Moon) and Mid-Autumn Day (15th day of the Eighth Moon). During the days series of activities and performances are held in the city, creating a joyous atmosphere. In addition, Macau holds a very good reputation for organizing international activities; Macau International Fireworks Display Contest (September or October), Macau Grand Prix (November) and Macau Arts Festival (March or April), etc. If you can catch the shows, you will surely get an unforgettable memory.


Dos and don’ts

Inner Mongolia | HITOMIONCONCORD | 2004-12-13 17:03:50 GMT-5


Mongolians are hospitable. When you are invited to a ger (yurt), enjoy it but do not forget some basic dos and don’ts.

Drive slowly when you are near a ger. Don’t scare the cattle. Enter the ger from the left. You don’t have to take off your shoes in the ger. Do not go through the herds since the owner would feel offended. Receive milk tea or wine with both of your hands or right hand to show your respect.

There is no toilet but you can go to the south to the ger. The east or west to the ger is where sheep pen is while the smell may be blown into the ger from the north. The ice in the north or west to the ger is for edible water. So never pollute them.


Receiving toasts of wine and tea

Tibet | MLTR | 2004-8-25 14:14:55 GMT-5


When you visit a Tibetan family, the host will propose a toast, usually of barley wine. Before you drink, Tibetans like to stick their finger in the wine and give a drop to Heaven, Earth, and their ancestors (three drops total). This is done by flicking your finger and then letting a drop fall from your finger to the earth three times. After this the guest may drink everything in the cup.


When given tea, you should wait for directions from your host to drink.


Westerner's hiding place

Tianjin | INTIANJIN | 2004-7-13 15:42:16 GMT-5


Westerners hang out at Alibaba's. The clients at night are mainly western students and some Chinese female wannabe groupies from the University. It’s a good place to sit, smoke, eat, and have a beer. Finding it is tricky because the place doesn't say Alibaba on it. From the Nankai University you walk thru the little gate, over the little bridge then walk across the big street and go to the left. You'll see a side street that has Tobacco World written on it and some red/yellow logo's of a chain restaurant on the corner. Walk down this street for 2 minutes or so and you'll see a side street on the right containing Alibaba's. It is on the right hand side of the street about 40 meters down. There are bikes parked outside of it and it has a big sign over the door in Chinese and doesn’t have windows. It is kind of looks like a bar. The easiest way to find it is to walk back and forth until you run into a westerner who is heading there.


When to go?

Hangzhou | THUNDER | 2004-7-12 11:09:11 GMT-5


The Best Time for visit Hangzhou is from March to April, the peak season for tourism during the warmth of spring when all the flowers bloom but you can enjoy different kinds of beauty in Hangzhou during the different seasons.


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