
Health Monitoring and Going to Hospital

(The Fight Against COVID-19)

Updated:2020-04-26 | By:China.org.cn

Health Monitoring and Going to Hospital

Fever, cough and breathing difficulties might be induced by respiratory infections and other severe diseases. People should closely monitor their health conditions, take personal protection measures like wearing facemasks, and go to see a doctor nearby when they display symptoms like fever and coughing.

Citizens should monitor their health and that of their family members, minimize close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, cough or sneezing), and take temperature when feeling feverish. If there are children at home, parents can touch their foreheads in the morning and evening, and take their temperature in time if they have a fever.

People should go to local designated medical institutions for health check, diagnosis and treatment under the following two circumstances: (1) displaying symptoms of respiratory infections such as fever (with axillary temperature ≥37.3℃), coughing and shortness of breath; or (2) having traveled to or lived in Wuhan or surrounding areas or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or having contact, within 14 days before feeling ill, with patients who have fever and symptoms of respiratory infections and have traveled to or lived in Wuhan or surrounding areas or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or having involved in clustered cases.

On the way to see a doctor, people should wear surgical masks or respirators of grade N95, avoid taking public transportation, and open the window of the vehicle they take. They should keep at least 1 meter from others on the way to and after arriving at the hospital. They should tell the doctor in detail about their conditions, their recent travel and residence history, and their contact with people and animals, and cooperate with the doctor in relevant investigations.




