
Yuan Chuanwei: a One-Man Production Line

(The Fight Against COVID-19)

Updated:2020-03-13 | By:China.org.cn

Yuan Chuanwei: a One-Man Production Line

Yuan Chuanwei is in charge of production in a precision equipment company located in Suzhou, Jiangsu province. On January 26, while staying in his hometown of Yancheng for the Spring Festival, Yuan received an urgent order from Wuhan for the parts of hydrogen peroxide sterilization equipment. He was told that due to the serious epidemic, Hubei's hospitals desperately needed hydrogen peroxide disinfectors.

Yuan immediately contacted relevant authorities and completed the procedures for resuming production. Then he found he was the only worker at the factory. Others had all returned home for family reunion and were currently required to quarantine at home, which meant they could not return to work. 

From the night of January 27 on, Yuan lived and worked non-stop in the workshop, only taking a nap on the sofa when tired. Normally it would take five employees to complete 200 sets in 15 days, but Yuan alone fulfilled the order in 16 days. The parts he produced were soon assembled into hydrogen peroxide sterilization equipment by his partner and sent to the frontline of Hubei. Single-handedly, Yuan ran the whole production line all by himself.

As more factories successively resumed production and the shortage of materials was solved, Yuan received more orders. "The work is tiring, but the pain is way better than that of the epidemic," he said.



