
The Trust of "Iron Pak" Is Worth More Than Gold

(The Fight Against COVID-19)

Updated:2020-03-06 | By:China.org.cn

The Trust of "Iron Pak" Is Worth More Than Gold.

China and Pakistan are all-whether strategic cooperative partners who enjoy a tradition of mutual assistance. After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Pakistan immediately voiced solidarity with China, offering donations and assistance despite its own difficulties, and maintaining all bilateral regular exchanges. It has made solid moves to show trust and support to China.

On February 10, the Pakistani Parliament and Senate separately passed a resolution to support China in its fight against the epidemic. The resolutions extended appreciation to the Chinese government for protecting Pakistani students studying in China amid the epidemic, and expressed willingness to fully cooperate with China.

On February 21, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan called Chinese President Xi Jinping to express sympathy and support. Because of China's effective prevention and control efforts, the COVID-19 has not spread around the world, he said, adding that the whole world should commend and appreciate China's efforts and achievements in containing the virus, and no other country can do better than China. Xi emphasized that China and Pakistan are true friends and good brothers who share weal and woe, and China will take good care of Pakistani brothers and sisters in China the same way as its own citizens.

According to media reports, Pakistan tapped into its national hospital reserves to donate medical materials, including medical masks, protective suits and gloves, to China. Pakistani students and merchants in China have also donated money and goods to support China's fight against the epidemic. All these acts of kindness have shown the two countries' true brotherhood and proved that China and Pakistan, as members of a community with a shared future, always stand together and help each other in difficult and odd times.



