
Prompt Release of Accurate Epidemic Information

(The Fight Against COVID-19)

Updated:2020-03-06 | By:China.org.cn

Prompt Release of Accurate Epidemic Information

The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee demanded at its meeting on January 25, 2020 prompt release of accurate information on the epidemic and timely response to concerns at home and aboard. It also required providing timely updates of the epidemic with the World Health Organization (WHO), relevant countries and regional organizations, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan province, and enhancing cooperation in an all-out response to the epidemic, in order to jointly safeguard regional and global health safety.

Speaking to a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau on February 3, Xi Jinping required frequent release of authoritative information by relevant agencies at different levels, addressing existing problems squarely, and responding to public concerns in a timely and specialist manner with a clear aim. At another meeting held on February 23 to promote nationwide epidemic control and economic and social development, he urged improving the release of epidemic information, which shall be made in an open, transparent, timely and accurate manner in accordance with the law.

Following the arrangements and requirements by the central leadership, the State Council Information Office has since January 26 held press conferences at irregular intervals on the joint efforts in virus prevention and control. On February 15, it for the first time moved its pressroom to Wuhan, the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. Starting from January 27, the National Health Commission (NHC) has held press conferences every morning. Starting from February 3, the inter-agency task force under the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council has held press conferences daily. Hubei province and other regions severely hit by the epidemic also hold press conferences every day. 

By releasing latest information about the epidemic, prevention and control measures and effects, these press conferences have taken the initiative in responding to public concerns and quashing rumors, thus have further improved the effectiveness of information disclosure.


