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“Four Consciousnesses”

(On Governance)

Updated:2019-04-16 | By:China.org.cn

“Four Consciousnesses”

On January 29, 2016, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee publicly spelled out for the first time the “Four Consciousnesses”: maintaining political integrity, thinking in big-picture terms, following the leadership core, and keeping in alignment.

Addressing the meeting in commemoration of the CPC’s 95th anniversary, Xi Jinping urged the whole Party to enhance their “Four Consciousnesses,” and stay loyal to the Party, share the Party’s concerns, and fulfill their obligations to the Party.

The code of conduct for intra-party political life, adopted at the sixth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, also demanded all Party members to have these “Four Consciousnesses,” and closely follow the Central Committee in terms of their thinking, political orientation and actions.

The consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity means that Party members always study, analyze and solve problems from a political angle, as taking a clear political stand is the feature and strength of the CPC as a Marxist party. Party members must be firm in political belief and stance, follow a correct political orientation, observe political principles, be sober-headed politically, maintain political resolve, and have keen political insight and discernment. They must conduct intra-party political activities in earnest, and abide by political discipline and rules. They must follow a correct political orientation when devising policies, making plans and proceeding with their work, giving an eye to political influence when handling problems. The Party will use political integrity as a norm when admitting new members and selecting officials, offer political guidance to various organizations, and make good political planning for attracting the best minds across the land.

The consciousness of the need to think in big-picture terms means that Party members always keep in mind the overall situation, put overall interests first, and firmly protect overall interests. This is the correct approach to balancing the relationships between central and local governments, between overall and regional conditions, and between long-term and immediate interests. Party members must always think and act with the big picture in mind, and ensure the decisions and plans made by the central leadership are carried out without fail.

The consciousness of the need to follow the leadership core means that Party members always agree with, unite around, subordinate to, and safeguard the leadership core. The whole Party must uphold the centralized, unified leadership of the Central Committee, rally around the Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, safeguard its authority, align themselves with the Central Committee in thinking, politics and actions, fulfill the tasks assigned by the Central Committee, and ensure that the CPC remains always a powerful leadership core in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The consciousness of the need to keep in alignment means that Party members always follow the Central Committee, follow the Party’s theory, line, principles and policies, and follow the decisions and plans made by the Central Committee. They must respond to what the Central Committee champions, implement what it decides, and refrain from things it prohibits. These are political requirements and political discipline. Party organizations and Party members should check themselves against these requirements, and make timely corrections if necessary.

The “Four Consciousnesses” are basic standards for assessing the political integrity of Party members. They bear great significance to safeguarding Xi Jinping’s core role, the Central Committee’s authority, the Party’s unity and centralized, unified leadership, and to the prosperity and enduring stability of the Party and the country.

The CPC’s leadership is the greatest strength of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the key to strengthening it is to maintain the centralized and unified leadership of the Party’s Central Committee. The only way for the Party to become stronger and more united, and for it to always be the strong core leader of Chinese socialism, is for Party members to maintain political integrity, think in terms of the big picture, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment, and for them to always be aware of staying in close unison in both thoughts and deeds with the Central Committee.







