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“Take Out Tigers,” “Swat Flies,” and “Hunt Down Foxes”

(On Governance)

Updated:2019-04-16 | By:China.org.cn

“Take Out Tigers,” “Swat Flies,” and “Hunt Down Foxes”

“If we do not fight corruption, we will do a disservice to the 1.3 billion Chinese people.” Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Central Committee has launched a sweeping, zero-tolerance campaign against corruption with great courage as part of the effort to accomplish the Party’s historic mission.

The fight against corruption knows no bounds and leaves no ground uncovered. It targets “tigers” (corrupt senior officials), “flies” (corrupt low-ranking bureaucrats) and “foxes” (fugitives abroad suspected of major economic crimes), and aims to shut down all safe havens for criminals, wherever they are. Impressive success has been achieved in this campaign.

