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Silk Road Fund

(On Governance)

Updated:2019-04-15 | By:China.org.cn

Silk Road Fund

Following Xi Jinping’s announcement on November 8, 2014 that China would contribute US$40 billion for this purpose, the Silk Road Fund was established in Beijing on December 29, 2014. Guided by the principles of openness, inclusiveness, and mutual benefit, the Fund focuses on providing medium- to long-term loans to support infrastructure and resource development and industrial cooperation in the countries along the Belt and Road. It complements rather than replaces other global and regional multilateral development banks, and operates under the existing international economic and financial order.

Rather than simply dispensing economic aid, the Fund will take advantage of increased connectivity to create major development opportunities for all. It is an open program and welcomes the participation of investors from Asia and beyond.


2014年11月8日,習近平宣布,中國將出資400 億美元成立絲路基金。2014年12月29日,絲路基金有限責任公司在北京注冊成立。絲路基金秉承“開放包容、互利共贏”理念,是中長期開發投資基金,重點為“一帶一路”沿線國家基礎設施建設、資源開發、產業合作等有關項目提供投融資支持。它在現行國際經濟金融秩序下運行,同其他全球和區域多邊開發銀行的關系是相互補充而不是相互替代的。絲路基金絕非簡單的經濟援助,而是通過互聯互通為相關國家創造新的重大發展機遇。絲路基金是開放的,歡迎亞洲域內外的投資者積極參與。