
The Potala Palace
Lamas Blowing Horns to Greet Distinguished Guests
Horse Racing During the Ongkor Festival
Tibetan Medical Codes


General History (II)

Michael Taylor (Switzerland), The Discovery of Tibet, China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, January 1999, 282 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80057-370-2. Translated by Geng Sheng. The Discovery of Tibet Series.

A special research book on the Western countries exploration of Tibet in nearly 680 years since the Yuan Dynasty from 1245 to 1925, and in particular, Britain's invasion of Tibet since the end of the 19th century. With 167 illustrations, and three appendixes: "Sources of Historical Data," "List of Plates and Explanations," and "List of French and Chinese Terms."

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Liao Dongfan, et al, Centennial Tibet: An Illustrated History, Yunnan People's Publishing House, Kunming, September 1999, 226 pp. Illus. 28 cm. ISBN 7-222-02627-4. Hardcover.

A photo album on Tibet's history in the past 100 years under 60 special subjects, describing politics, military affairs, culture, religion, the economy and folk customs in the past 100 years with brief text.

Dainzin, A Concise History of Contemporary Tibet, Contemporary China Press, Beijing, August 1996. 487 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80092-513-7. Local Histories of the People's Republic of China Series


A brief account of Tibet's physical geography, social culture and historical development before liberation, with the focus on the Tibetan people's emancipation, regional autonomy and socialist construction under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in the 40-odd years after Tibet's peaceful liberation. With a preface by Dainzin.

Xiao Hao, Tibet, 1951: Records of the People's Liberation Army Entering Tibet, Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, April 1999. 320 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-105-03390-8.

A book by a former PLA soldier who went to Tibet with the 18th Corps in 1951. Twelve chapters: "The Story About the 18th Corps," "Old Tibet," "The Advance Detachment," "Under the Same Blue Sky," "By the Jinsha River," "Qamdo Battle," "Li Disan and Zhama Moingpao," "Entering Tibet from the Northwest," "May the 23rd Event," "Going Through the Hinterland of Tibet," "The Story About Lhasa," "The Founding of the Tibet Military Region and the Abolition of the Bogus People's Assembly."

Liao Zugui and Zhang Shuhua, The Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, China Intercontinental Press, Beijing, February 1999. 39 pp. Illus. 21?11 cm. ISBN 7-80113-534-2. Tibet Series.

A brief account of the process of the peaceful liberation of Tibet.

The Party History Office of the Tibet Autonomous Region, ed, Zhou Enlai and Tibet, China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, December 1998. 549 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80057-366-4.

Four parts: Documents, speeches, memoirs, and chronicle of events. First and second parts: nearly 100 telegrams and documents, and several dozens of reports and speeches on Tibet's liberation and construction drafted or signed by Premier Zhou Enlai from 1950 to 1975. Third part: 35 articles in memory of Premier Zhou Enlai, such as "The Tibetan People Will Cherish the Memory of Zhou Enlai Forever" by Ren Rong, and "Zhou Enlais Outstanding Contributions to the Development of the Tibetan People" by Yin Fatang. Fourth part: chronicle of events (1949-1975). With a preface "A Monument in the Hearts of the Tibetan People" by Radi.

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Zhu Junjie, et al, The Tibetan Ethnic Group, Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, January 1995. 188 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-105-02192-6. Ethnic Knowledge Series.

A brief introduction to the history, religion, philosophy, literature and arts, science and technology and life of the Tibetan people, and tremendous changes in Tibet today.

Soinam Cerang, Questions and Answers: The Encyclopedic Knowledge of the Tibetan Ethnic Group, Qinghai People's Publishing House, Xining, June 1996, 208 pp. 18 cm. ISBN 7-225-01262-2.

In the question-and-answer form, introducing basic knowledge about Tibet's culture, history, geography, religion, ethnic groups, folk customs, medical science, science and technology, astronomy, calendar, scenic spots, historical sites, and famous cultural personages.

Love for the Snowland Editing Group, Love for the Snowland, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, Chengdu, November 1997. 177 pp. Color illus. 29 cm. ISBN 7-5409-1996-5. Hardcover.

A picture album in five parts: "Long History," "Kind Attention," "Close Relationship," "Splendid Culture," and "Great Leap of the Snowland," introducing the history and culture of the Tibetan people on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and deep friendship among the ethnic groups in China.

Zhang Jianghua, The Moinba Ethnic Group, Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, September 1997. 99 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-105-02830-0. Ethnic Knowledge Series.

Introducing the history, social system, ways of life, marriage, family, religion, customs and culture of the Moinba ethnic group.

Shigar Daintseng, Exploring the Origin of the Ethnic Groups in the Snowland, Qinghai Ethnic Publishing House, Xining, May 1999, 174 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5420-0839-0.

Discussing the origin of the Tibetan ethnic group, and the ancestral relations between the Tibetan and the Moinba, Lhoba, Naxi and Qiang ethnic groups.

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Chen Jiajin, ed, A Collection of Historical Materials on Tibet (I), China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, June 1999. 270 pp. 26 cm. ISBN 7-80057-405-9. Compiled by the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences Chinese-language Tibetan Studies Documents Editing Office.

A collection of historical materials on the Anterior Tibet with Lhasa as the center, mainly including manuscripts of prefecture and county history, excerpts of historical documents, special materials on geography, local customs, political system, economy and military system, and investigation materials on the old Tibet in the 1950s, of which the "History of Lhasa Prefecture" is published for the first time.

Chen Jiajin, ed, A Collection of Historical Materials on Tibet (II), China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, March 1997. 168 pp. 26 cm. ISBN 7-80057-318-1. Compiled by the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences Chinese-language Tibetan Studies Documents Editing Office.

A collection of six historical materials: "Records of the Wild Man's Returning to Mountains in Southwest China," "A Brief History of Bomi County," "A Brief History of Dongjiu County," "A Brief History of Zayu County," "A Brief History of Kemai County," and "A Brief History of Shuodu County."

Tibetan People's Publishing House, ed, Tibet: A General Survey (second edition), Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, July 1999. 170 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-01140-8. China's Land and People Series.

The first edition of this book was published in March 1985 by the same publishing house, and included in the Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies (1949-1991). The current edition is a revised one.

The Cultural and Historical Data Office of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Nagqu Prefecture, Tibet, ed, Beautiful Chiangtang and Unique Resources: A Brief Introduction to Nagqu Prefecture, Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, October 1997. 162 pp. Color illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-00991-8. Translated by Kongka Samzhub.

Eight chapters, introducing the landforms, natural resources, rare and precious medicinal materials, wildlife, animal by-products, handicraft industry, costume, customs, scenic spots and historical sites of Nagqu Prefecture.

Kangriwa Qoinyen Dorje, The Early History of Ngari Korhumsom in the Western Part of the Snowland, Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, April 1996. 285 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-00789-3.

Written to commemorate the millennium of the founding of the Toling Monastery in Ngari, it mainly describes the evolution history of the three ancient dynasties of Ngari, and introduces in detail the development of the monasteries, and the great deeds of the three great masters-Atisa, Rinchen Sangpo, and Bainma Wangqen Dorge.

Cultural and Historical Data Collecting Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Ngari, ed, History of Ngari, Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, July 1996. 636 pp. Color illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-00922-5.

Four chapters. First chapter: the rise and fall of the Guge Dynasty of ancient Ngari, the founding of Gar regime, and the political, economic and trade systems of the Rutog, Zerang, Tagwa and Burang dzong (counties); second chapter: the 13 main monasteries in Ngari; third chapter: the tremendous changes in Ngari Prefecture after the peaceful liberation of Tibet; fourth chapter: an appendix, including six theses on the history, geography and religion of Ngari Prefecture.

Cui Dan, History of the Tibetan People in Gyarong , Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, December 1995. 806 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-105-02545-X.

The historical data in this book date back to the remote past and up to 1990. Twelve chapters, introducing the physical geography, regional products, the history of Gyarong Region, the hereditary headman system in Gyarong, justice, military affairs, important events, religion, culture and arts, scenic spots and historical sites, society and customs, outstanding personages, and the historical role of Gyarong.

Tanma Gyainyum Cechin, A Concise History of Kamdo (two volumes), Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, August 1995 and December 1997. 166 pp and 217 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0378-4 and ISBN 7-5421-0559-0.

"Kamdo" means the Upper Kham Area, referring to the northern part of Kham Area. A general picture of the region and an introduction to Kamdo tribes, its local customs, monasteries, eminent monks and important events, with 85 illustrations and a sketch map of the region.

Norsang, et al, A Concise History of Amdo County , Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, October 1999. 104 pp. 19 cm. ISBN 7-223-01237-4.

Amdo County is located in the north of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The book gives a brief account of the important events and main personages in the history of Amdo County, and describes in detail Amdo County before and after the Democratic Reform.

Local Records Compilation Committee of the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, ed, Records of the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, October 1997. 1,022 pp. Color illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-105-02921-8. Hardcover. Qinghai Local Records Series.

The Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the east of Qinghai Province, and to the south of Qinghai Lake. The book mainly describes the history of the Hainan Tibet Autonomous Prefecture from 1953, when the autonomous prefecture was set up, to 1985, and also includes some historical data tracing back to the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220), and the chronicle of events and celebrated personages up to 1993. The book has 22 volumes, including General Introduction, Chronicle of Events, Administrative Divisions, Physical Geography, Population, Economic Management, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Forestry and Water Conservancy, Industry, Transportation, Post and Telecommunications, Urban and Rural Construction, Commerce and Foodgrain, Banking and Finance, Parties and Organizations, Politics, Civil Service and Labor, Public Security and Justice, Military Affairs, Education, Science and Technology, Culture, Public Health and Sports, Ethnic Groups, Personages, and Appendix. With three maps, "A Remote Sensing Satellite Photo Map of Hainan Prefecture," "Administrative Divisions of the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture," and "Geomorphologic Map of Hainan Prefecture."

Local Records Compilation Committee of the Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, ed, Records of the Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (two volumes), Gansu People's Publishing House, Lanzhou, June 1999. 1,102 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-226-02065-3. Hardcover. Qinghai Local Records Series.

The Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the northeast of Qinghai Province, and to the north of Qinghai Lake. The book describes the history of the region from the Han Dynasty to the end of 1990, and contains six parts: Geography, Economy, Politics, Culture, Society and Celebrated Personages, in addition to a general introduction and a chronology of events, describing the achievements the Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has made since liberation, especially since the founding of the autonomous prefecture.

Local Records Compilation Committee of the Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, ed, Records of the Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Volume II), Shaanxi Peoples Publishing House, Xi'an, November 1996. 656 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-224-04389-39. Hardcover. Qinghai Local Records Series.

Three parts: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Industry, Transportation, Post and Telecommunications, and Urban and Rural Construction. Volume One of this book was published in May 1995, and included in the Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies (1992-1995)


Celor, et al, History of the Guashize Tribe, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, September 1996. 387 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0467-5.

Local chronicle of the Guashitze tribe (present-day Xiuma Township and its neighboring areas in Tongde County, Qinghai Province), this book introduces in detail the origin, branches, historic figures, religions, customs, social organizations, and the economic life of Guashitze tribe by using a great deal of data, and records the social changes of different periods from liberation to 1991.

Qiekao Cera, et al, An Outline History of the Tibetans in Huarag, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, December 1998. 293 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0630-9.

Huarag Region refers, in a broad sense, to the present- day four counties inhabited by the Tibetan people (Ledu, Huzhu, Datong and Menyuan counties) to the north of the Huangshui River in Qinghai Province, and Huangyu and Madi districts of the Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, the Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, and the border districts of Wuwei, Yongdeng and Gulang counties in Gansu Province, or, in a narrow sense, to the Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County. This book records the history of the Huarag Tibetan-inhabited area from the New Stone Age to the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the stress on the history after the Tang Dynasty (618-907), exposing the historical background for the formation of Huarag, and the development and changes of the Tibetan people in Huarag.

Nyengnaihe Warag, A Concise History of the Wangshidhe Tribe, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, Chengdu, June 1996. 328 pp. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5409-1655-9.

Wangshidhe is a tribe in Tianjun County, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province. Twelve chapters: the origin of the Wangshidhe tribe, their migration to the north of the Yellow River, the brief history of the tribe, the concise history of the Wangshidhe Monastery, the chronicle of events of the tribe, and the relations between Wangshidhe and the Mongolians and Kazaks.

Lozang Nygengzhi, Records of Nyentuhhu, Qinghai Ethnic Publishing House, Xining, April 2000. 398 pp. Color illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5420-0884-6. Hardcover.

Raggong in Tongren County, Qinghai Province, is well known for its paintings and sculptures. This book expounds the history of Nyentuhhu, the birthplace of the Raggong art, and the Nyentuhhu Monastery, and introduces in detail the land and the people of Nyenthuhu, its Buddhist sculptures and painting art, the founding and development of the Nyenthuhu Monastery, and the Great Hall, Maitreya Hall, Guardian Deity Hall and Tantric College in the monastery.

Ding Rujun, An Outline of the Revolutionary History of Gannan, Gansu People's Publishing House, Lanzhou, October 1995. 189 pp. 18 cm. ISBN 7-226-01506-4.

Five chapters, recording the revolutionary activities of the CPC in the New-Democratic Revolution period and the struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in Gannan.

Gongbao Wangje, An Outline History of Hereditary Headmen of Jone County, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, August 1997. 260 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-05421-0514-0.

Eight chapters, recording the 19 headmen in the history of Jone County in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, famous monasteries and their abbots, the five major local events, and the origin of the Tibetan people of Amdo area (mainly Jone).

Gyapao Cechim, The History of the Kangchag Tribe , Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, February 1996. 236 pp. Illus. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0444-6.

Six chapters based on the author's on-the-spot investigations, with reference to a large amount of Han and Tibetan historical data, recording the origin of the Kangchag tribe, the changes of the administrative division, the formation of the 21 small clans in the Kangchag tribe, and the distribution of monasteries in Kangchag.

Lungwu Lhagyahua, The History of Lungwu, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, February 1998. 416 pp. Color illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0570-1.

A historical record of the Lungwu Lungqu three tribes in Tongren County, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai. The people of the three tribes moved from Sakya in Tibet to Tongren County in Gansu, via Raggong. This book describes the Sakya hierarchy, the migration from Raggong, Mayu Area under the rule of the Lungwu Lungqu three tribes, the development of Lungwu Lungqu in Mayu, and the origin of Buddhism of Lungwu Lungqu in Mayu.

Records of Garze Prefecture Compilation Committee, ed, Records of Garze Prefecture (three volumes), Sichuan People's Publishing House, Chengdu, January 1998. 2,367 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-220-03883-6. Hardcover.

The Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture is located in the west of Sichuan Province and on the southeastern rim of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This book tells its history from the origin of the prefecture to 1990, with the focus on the modern history and current situation. First volume: general introduction, a chronicle of events and a general survey of the counties. The chronicle of events starts from the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220), and selectively expounds the important historical events that happened in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. Second volume: five parts (geography, society, politics, economy and culture). Third volume: the historic figures, including "Biographies of Historic Figures," "Profiles of Historic Figures," and "List of Outstanding Names." With a "Map of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture."

Local Records Compilation Committee of Garze County, ed, Records of Garze County, Sichuan Science and Technology Publishing House, Chengdu, July 1999. 473 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-5364-4301-3. Hardcover.

Records of Garze County dating from 1264 to 1990: a general introduction and a chronicle of events, in addition to chapters on geography, economy, politics, culture, education, health, social customs, and celebrated figures.

Fan Hechuan, Live Fossils of the Paternal Primitive Culture: Sangain Goba, Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, July 2000. 133 pp. Color illus. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5614-1939-2.

Sangain is a place including Baiyu County, Sichuan Province, and parts of Gonjo and Batan counties in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Goba is a traditional social organization of the local Tibetan people, a form left by the social tribes under the Tibetan paternal system. This book introduces the origin, social formation, organizational structure, marriage, folk habits and customs, and cultural heritage of the paternal society of Sangain. With a preface by Li Shaoming, "Impressions of Sangain Goba," an article by Jing Quanlin and a foreword by Zelo.

Li Maochun, Deqen: A General Survey, Yunnan People's Publishing House, Kunming, April 1999. 226 pp. Color illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-222-02729-7. Yunnan's Land and People Series.

Nine parts: "A Survey of Deqen," "Scenic Spots and Historical Sites," "Folk Customs," "Ethnic Culture," "Famous Historical and Cultural Figures," "Local Cuisine," "Special Products," "Rare Birds and Beasts," "Rare Flowers and Trees," and "Transportation and Accommodation."


Zeng Guoqing and Guo Weiping, Biographies of Tibetan Famous Persons of the Past, Tibetan Peoples Publishing House, Lhasa, September 1996. 440 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-00947-0.

Biographies of about 100 persons who had made outstanding contributions in Tibetan history, including some non-Tibetan or foreign monks who lived with Tibetan people and devoted themselves to the development of Tibet. Arranged in the order of their birth dates from the founding of the Tubo Dynasty in the 7th century to the founding of the People's Republic of China in the 1940s. With indexes of person names in Tibetan, Chinese Pinyin, and strokes of Chinese characters.

Minyak Gonpo, Biographical Profiles of Tibetan Scholars of the Past (Vol. I), China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, May 1996, 798 pp. 19 cm. ISBN 7-80057-108-4. Biographical profiles of 151 Tibetan scholars from the 11th century to the early 1920s, covering their life stories, their teachers and their important works, and arranged according to their birth dates.

Zhou Wei, The Path to Buddhahood: Biographies of Tibetan Buddhist Masters, Qinghai People's Publishing House, Xining, January 1996, 288 pp.20 cm. ISBN 7-225-01150-2. Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Phenomena Series.

13 chapters about the life stories of Tsangpos, and more than ten Tibetan Buddhist masters of high reputation and position in the history of Tibetan Buddhism: Padmasambhava, Marpa, Milarepa, Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen, Phagpa, Tsongkhapa, Dusum Khyenpa, Rangjung Dorje, the 5th Dalai Lama Ngawang Lozang Gyatso, the 6th Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso, the 6th Panchen Lama Lozang Palden Yeshe, the 3rd Changkya Hutuktu Yeshe Tenpai Dronme Sangpo, the 13th Dalai Lama Ngawang Lozang Thubten Gyatso, etc.

Huang Mingxing and Xie Suqian, ed, A Handbook of Dates of Tibetan Historical Personages, Ethnic Publishing House, Beijing, August 2000. 604 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-105-02625-1.

Based on Yearbook of Tibetan History by Tseten Shadrung and "Chronological Tables of Tibetan History" in Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary, and relevant books. It is a reference book about important Tibetan historical personages, containing more than 3,700 entries, each covering a personage's birth and death dates and his important events. Arranged in the order of Tibetan alphabet. Notes are made where several persons share the same name and a person has more than one name.

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Tenzin, Biographies of Successive Gurongtsang, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, June 1994. 289 pp. Illus. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0303-2.

Two parts: (1) Qinghai Huangnan Gurongtsang Living Buddha Namkha Jigme's biography by his disciple Drogon Shakarwa;(2) Biography of Choyang Dorje Living Buddha by Tenzin. Based on a handwritten copy.

Migyur Pachen Barpal (India), Biographies of 84 Mahasiddhas, Qinghai Ethnic Publishing House, Xining, September 1996, 258 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5420-0536-7.

Two parts: (1) "Biographies of 84 Mahasiddhas (Great Adepts)" by Migyur Pachen Barpal, an account of 84 great adepts learning Buddhism, spreading Buddhism, taking disciples, doing good things for the people and finally attaining "siddhi"; (2) "Annotations to the Spiritual Songs of the 84 Great Adepts" by Abhayamdada.

Jigme Tenche Gyatso, Biographies of Successive Shartsang Rinpoches, Qinghai Ethnic Publishing House, Xining, March 1997, 398 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5420-0631-2.

An account of the life stories of successive Shartsang Living Buddhas of Qinghai Huangnan Lungwu Monastery: the 1st Living Buddha Kadam Gyatso (1607-1677), the 2nd Living Buddha Ngawang Trinley Gyatso, the 3rd Living Buddha Gendun Trinley Rabgye, the 4th Living Buddha Losang Chodrak Gyatso, the 5th Living Buddha Losang Trinley Gyatso, the 6th Living Buddha Losang Gendun Tenpai Gyaltsen, and the 7th Living Buddha Losang Trinley Lungtok Gyatso.

Trathong Gyalpo, et al, Great Masters of Tibetan Tantra, Tibetan People's Publishing House, Lhasa, April 1997, 459 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-223-00933-0.

Containing Biography of Marpa by Trathong Gyalpo, translated from Tibetan into Chinese by Zhang Tiansuo and others; Biography of Milarepa by Rolpai Gyeltsen, translated into Chinese by Wang Yinuan; and Biography of Rachungpa by Karma Migyur Dorje, translated into Chinese by Zhang Xinan. Appended with an article, entitled "Rachungpa's Two Trips to ."

Chonyi Yeshe, Nyeton Lineage, Tibetan Ancient Books Publishing House, Lhasa, June 1997. 537 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80589-023-4. Snowland Library.

A detailed account of Nyeton Family's origin and the religious lineage of Nyeton Nyimapel as abbot of Nelung Monastery, written in 1775. Published on the basis of a handwritten copy.

Karma Gyaltsen, Karma Kagyu Lamas and Palpung Monastery, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, Chengdu, October 1997. 310 pp. 18 cm. ISBN 7-5409-1664-8.

Three parts: (1) an account of the lineage of the seven Living Buddhas of the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism; (2) a detailed account of the life story of Situ Choskyi Jungnay (1700-1774), famous scholar of the Karma Kagyu sect, and his contributions to the development of Tibetan ancient culture; and (3) an account of the history of the Palpung Monastery founded by Situ Choskyi Jungnay.

Tenma Jamyang Tsultrim, Biographies of Successive Karmapa Lamas, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, December 1997. 239 pp. Illus. 26 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0558-2.

A detailed account of the life stories of the 16 successive Karmapa lamas of the Black Hat system from the 1st Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa (1110-1193) and the 2nd Karmapa Karma Pakshi (1204-1283) to the 16th Karmapa Rigpai Dorje (1924-1982).

Karma Tsewang Konchok, Biographies of Karmapa Lamas (Vol. 1), Yunnan Ethnic Publishing House, Kunming, June 1998. 934 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5367-1154-9.

Biographies of Karmapa Lamas, special attention being given to the first eight Karmapas, i.e. Dusum Khyenpa, Karma Pakshi, Rangjung Dorje, Rolpai Dorje, Deshin Shekpa, Tongwa Donden, Chodrak Gyatso, and Mikyo Dorje. With a lineage table from Sakyamuni to the eight Karmapa lamas.

Dzaza, The Lineage of the Jamyang Hutuktu, Gansu Ethnic Publishing House, Lanzhou, September 1998. 446 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5421-0601-5.

Six chapters covering biographies and lineage of the 1st-6th Jamyang Hutuktus, their role in the history of Labrang Monastery, their politico-religious influences on Amdo area, their protection and maintenance of Labrang Monastery, their administration of Amdo area, their maintenance of unity of ethnic groups and of social stability, their support to the leadership of the Central Government, and history of Labrang Monastery. With a preface by Jamyang Lozang Jigme Thubten Choskyi Nyima.

Dejin Dorje and Padma Ozer Thaye, Biographies of Dejin Dorje Lama and His Two Disciples, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House, Chengdu, June 2000. 188 pp. Illus. 19 cm. ISBN 7-5409-2324-5.

Three parts: autobiography of Dejin Dorje, a Nyingma sect treasure-finder (terton) and brief biographies of his disciples Drimed Ozer and Rinchen Nordan Dorje.

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Dondrup Nganbeng, ed, Chronicles of Successive Dalai Lamas and Panchen Erdenis, Central University for Ethnic Minorities Press, Beijing, February 1998. 753 pp. 26 cm. ISBN 7-81001-742-X. Hardcover. A 1985 key project of Tibetology Research Section with the Central University for Ethnic Minorities.

Two parts: (1) Chronicles of the 1st-13th Dalai Lamas; (2) Chronicle of the 1st-10th Panchen Erdenis. Appendix: "Chronological Tables of the Dates of Successive Dalai Lamas and Panchen Erdenis in Tibetan, Chinese and Gregorian Calendars." With a preface by Dondrup Nganbeng.

Ya Hanzhang, The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas, Sinoculture Press, Beijing, January 2000. 389 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-5057-0913-3. Tibetan Viewpoint Series.

Second edition. Based on the first edition published by the People's Publishing House, Beijing, in September 1984, and listed in the Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies (1949-1991) published by the Foreign Languages Press in 1994. Appended with an article entitled "Postscript to the Second Edition: The 14th Dalai Lama After 1959" by Zhao Xueyi and Chang Weimin.

Ngawang Lozang Gyatso, Autobiography of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Vols. 1-3, China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, October 1997. 574, 370, and 328 pp. 26 cm. ISBN 7-80057-316-8. Hardcover. China Border Historical and Geographical Data Series: Tibet Volume. Translated from Tibetan into Chinese by Chen Qingying and others.

An autobiography written by the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682) in his later years, detailing his family history, his life story and his association with various social circles, providing important historical materials for the study of Tibetan politics, economy, religion, culture and art, and Tibet's relations with the Central Government and Mongolian tribes during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The Chinese translation is based on the Tibetan editions published by the Tibetan People's Publishing House in 1989 and 1991 (listed in the Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies, 1949-1991,published by Foreign languages Press in 1994).

China First Historical Archives and China Tibetan Studies Center, ed, Selected Historical Records of the Fifth Dalai Lama in the Early Qing Dynasty, China Tibetology Publishing House, Beijing, April 2000. 208 pp. Illus. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80057-432-6.

The selected historical records are composed mainly of Chinese, Manchurian, and Mongolian archives collected in the China First Historical Archives, with a total of 279 archives, covering the period from 1637 to 1699. Their content includes (1) historical records about the frequent contacts of the Qing court with the Tibetan higher-level peersonages, tributes and bestowal in the early Qing period; (2) historical records about the Fifth Dalai Lama going to Beijing to pay homage to the court, and Emperor Shunzhi conferring titles to the Dalai lama and Gushri Khan; (3) historical records about Emperor Kangxi's contacts with the Dalai Lama and tribal chiefs of Mongolia and Qinghai to effect his purpose of quelling down the rebellion staged by Wu Sangui and of maintaining peace in Qinghai. (4) historical records of the period when Depa Sangye Gyatso made a secret of the Fifth Dalai Lama's death.

Drigung Paljor, The Dalai Lama: A Separatist's Life in Exile, Hainan Publishing House, Haikou, July 1997. 346 pp. 20 cm. ISBN 7-80617-386-2.

An account of the political activities of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama since he fled to India in 1959 in popular and autoptic language, fully depicting and exposing his activities aimed at separating the motherland. With a preface by Yang Gongsu, the author's postscript, and four appended articles, entitled "Premier Li Peng Answers Correspondents Questions on the Tibet Issue," "Comrade Li Ruihuan Talks About the Panchen's Reincarnation and the Dalai Lama," "The Tibet Issue As Viewed from an International Perspective," and "Xinhua News Agency's Comments on the Dalai Lama." Silun and Gewang, The Fourteenth

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