
FEATURE: HK's Ocean Park Launches New Conservation Program

"Birds can be so clever" -- this was the common exclamation of the audience after watching the newly-launched Amazing Birds Show Friday at the Birds Theater of Hong Kong Ocean Park, a prominent theme park of the city.

More than 18 colorful birds, most of them are rare species, gave performances including picking up items, talking and circling over the head of audience.

The aim of the birds show is educating people to protect animals and environment instead of using them to make money.

"By providing activities that are both entertaining and informative, our ultimate goal is to promote a greater appreciation for wildlife and the environment. It has been Ocean Park's mission to be a place of education and entertainment, and a voice of conservation. Our hope is that our efforts will go a long way in empowering our guests with the right information to care for the environment," said Suzanne Gendron, the park's zoological operations & education director.

Kitty, a green winged macaw, is trained to collect donations from the audience, in support of the park's conservation project for birds.

A ten-year-old boy stood there holding a note in his hand and extending his right arm, then Kitty flew toward him, stopped on his arm, picked up the note with its beak and flew back to the stage and inserted the money into a collection box.

The boy looked excited and said he was very happy to do something for these lovely creatures.

The birds show is only a small part of the park's conservation programs.

An Easter Education Week program will be held from March 29 through April 2.

Under the program, visitors can join a free guided tour at the Dolphin University, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat,Butterfly House, Bird House, Pacific Pier which will teach them about the animal's natural habitat and way of life.

They can also join the Behind-the-Scenes Trainers Talk to learn more about the animal stars as well as taking part in the Ocean Park Orienteering Game that will provide a chance to see Chinese White Dolphins at sea.

The Ocean Park has attracted over 58 million people since it was opened 25 years ago.

( Xinhua News Agency March 16, 2002)