
Sichuan Reinforces Tourism Management

All tour agencies; tour bus businessmen and hotels discussed how to co-operate better yesterday (Tuesday). Hoster hopes to restrict three parties' behaviors by way of agreement, aiming to reinforce tourism management.

It is said that, a lot of tourists complains appear because all tour agencies normally adopt informal agreements with tourism transport companies and hotels before which leaded to some transport companies and hotels damaging agreements temporarily.

Therefore, three parties run discussion about Sichuan Road Tour Transport Contract, Sichuan Tour Booking Room Contract. In these two contracts, Sichuan Provincial Tourism Bureau demanded tour agencies must signed relative contracts with tour transport companies and hotels as well as made detailed stipulations of each party in contract.

Insiders pointed out this behavior would play an active role on tourism order management, and offer better service for tourist.

(Scihuan News Net 08/29/2001)

Decorating Sichuan "Tourism Ambassador"