

White Paper: China's Military Strategy

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2015-05-26

五、軍事斗爭準備V. Preparation for Military Struggle
軍事斗爭準備是軍隊的基本實踐活動,是維護和平、遏制危機、打贏戰爭的重要保證。拓展和深化軍事斗爭準備,必須按照能打仗、打勝仗的要求,堅持以解決重點難點問題為導向,真抓實備、常備不懈,全面提高軍隊威懾和實戰能力。Preparation for military struggle (PMS) is a basic military practice and an important guarantee for safeguarding peace, containing crises and winning wars. To expand and intensify PMS, China's armed forces must meet the requirement of being capable of fighting and winning, focus on solving major problems and difficulties, and do solid work and make relentless efforts in practical preparations, in order to enhance their overall capabilities for deterrence and warfighting.
增強基于信息系統的體系作戰能力。加快轉變戰斗力生成模式,運用信息系統把各種作戰力量、作戰單元、作戰要素融合集成為整體作戰能力,逐步構建作戰要素無縫鏈接、作戰平臺自主協同的一體化聯合作戰體系。著力解決制約體系作戰能力的突出矛盾和問題,推進信息資源深度開發和高效利用,加強偵察預警系統和指揮控制系統建設,發展中遠程精確打擊力量,完善綜合保障體系。按照權威、精干、靈便、高效的要求,建立健全軍委聯合作戰指揮機構和戰區聯合作戰指揮體制。Enhancing capabilities for system-vs-system operations based on information systems. China's armed forces will quicken their steps to transform the generating mode of combat effectiveness, work to use information systems to integrate a wide range of operational forces, modules and elements into overall operational capacity, and gradually establish an integrated joint operational system in which all elements are seamlessly linked and various operational platforms perform independently and in coordination. China's armed forces will endeavor to address the pressing problems constraining the capabilities for system-vs-system operations. They will make further exploration and more efficient utilization of information resources, strengthen the building of the systems of reconnaissance, early-warning and command and control, develop medium- and long-range precision strike capabilities, and improve the comprehensive support systems. In accordance with the requirement of being authoritative, streamlined, agile and efficient, they will strive to establish and improve the CMC command organ and theater-level command systems for joint operations.
統籌推進各方向各領域軍事斗爭準備。中國地緣戰略環境復雜,各戰略方向、各安全領域都存在不同威脅和挑戰,必須統籌全局、突出重點,促進軍事斗爭準備全面協調發展,保持戰略全局平衡和穩定。統籌傳統安全領域和新型安全領域軍事斗爭準備,做好維護國家主權和安全、維護國家海洋權益、應對武裝沖突和突發事件準備。適應武器裝備更新換代和作戰樣式發展變化,進一步優化戰場布局,加強戰略預置。Pushing ahead with PMS in all directions and domains. Due to its complex geostrategic environment, China faces various threats and challenges in all its strategic directions and security domains. Therefore, PMS must be carried out in a well-planned, prioritized, comprehensive and coordinated way, so as to maintain the balance and stability of the overall strategic situation. China's armed forces will make overall planning for PMS in both traditional and new security domains, and get ready to safeguard national sovereignty and security, protect the country's maritime rights and interests, and deal with armed conflicts and emergencies. To adapt to the upgrading of weaponry and equipment as well as changes of operational patterns, China's armed forces will further optimize battlefield disposition and strengthen strategic prepositioning.
保持常備不懈的戰備狀態。全面提高日常戰備水平,保持高度戒備態勢,周密組織邊海空防戰備巡邏和執勤。陸軍部隊構建各戰略方向銜接、多兵種聯合、作戰保障配套的戰備力量體系布局,保持迅即能動和有效應對的良好狀態。海軍部隊組織和實施常態化戰備巡邏,在相關海域保持軍事存在。空軍部隊堅持平戰一體、全域反應、全疆到達的原則,保持靈敏高效的戰備狀態。第二炮兵平時保持適度戒備狀態,按照平戰結合、常備不懈、隨時能戰的原則,構建要素集成、功能完備、靈敏高效的作戰值班體系。Maintaining constant combat readiness. China's armed forces will continue to improve its routine combat readiness, maintain a posture of high alertness, and conscientiously organize border, coastal and air defense patrols and guard duties. The PLAA will improve its combat readiness system with inter-connected strategic directions, combined arms and systematized operational support, so as to ensure agile maneuvers and effective response. The PLAN will continue to organize and perform regular combat readiness patrols and maintain a military presence in relevant sea areas. The PLAAF will continue to observe the principles of applicability in peacetime and wartime, all-dimensional response and full territorial reach, and maintain vigilant and efficient combat readiness. The PLASAF will continue to keep an appropriate level of vigilance in peacetime. By observing the principles of combining peacetime and wartime demands, maintaining all time vigilance and being action-ready, it will prefect the integrated, functional, agile and efficient operational duty system.
提高軍事訓練實戰化水平。堅持把實戰化軍事訓練擺在戰略位置,從實戰需要出發從難從嚴訓練部隊,嚴格按綱施訓,加強戰法訓法創新,完善軍事訓練標準和法規體系,加快大型綜合性訓練基地建設,構建實戰化訓練環境。深入開展基于實戰需求的模擬實景訓練、基于信息技術的模擬仿真訓練、符合實戰標準的實兵對抗訓練,加強首長機關指揮訓練和諸軍兵種聯合訓練,加大在復雜電磁環境、復雜陌生地域、復雜氣象條件下訓練力度。建立健全訓練監察督察制度,努力使訓練和實戰達到一體化。Enhancing realistic military training. The PLA will continue to attach strategic importance to combat training in realistic conditions, and strictly temper the troops according to the Outline of Military Training and Evaluation (OMTE). It will constantly innovate operational and training methods, improve military training criteria and regulations, and work to build large-scale comprehensive training bases in an effort to provide real-combat environments for training. The PLA will continue to conduct live-setting training, IT-based simulated training, and face-on-face confrontation training in line with real-combat criteria, and strengthen command post training and joint and combined training. It will intensify training in complex electro-magnetic environments, complex and unfamiliar terrains, and complex weather conditions. It will also set up a training supervision and inspection system, so as to incorporate real-combat requirements into training.
組織非戰爭軍事行動準備。遂行搶險救災、反恐維穩、維護權益、安保警戒、國際維和、國際救援等非戰爭軍事行動任務,是新時期軍隊履行職責使命的必然要求和提升作戰能力的重要途徑。把非戰爭軍事行動能力建設納入部隊現代化建設和軍事斗爭準備全局中籌劃和實施,抓好應急指揮機制、應急力量建設、專業人才培養、適用裝備保障以及健全相關政策法規等方面的工作。促進軍隊處置突發事件應急指揮機制與國家應急管理機制協調運行,堅持統一組織指揮、科學使用兵力、快速高效行動和嚴守政策規定。Preparing for military operations other than war (MOOTWs). As a necessary requirement for China's armed forces to fulfill their responsibilities and missions in the new period as well as an important approach to enhancing their operational capabilities, the armed forces will continue to conduct such MOOTWs as emergency rescue and disaster relief, counter-terrorism and stability maintenance, rights and interests protection, guard duty, international peacekeeping, and international humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR). They will work to incorporate MOOTW capacity building into military modernization and PMS, and pay special attention to establishing emergency command mechanisms, building emergency forces, training professionals, supporting task-specific equipment, and formulating relevant policies and regulations. Military emergency-response command systems will be tuned into state emergency management mechanisms. China's armed forces will persist in unified organization and command, scientific employment of forces, rapid and efficient actions, and strict observation of related policies and regulations.
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