

CFLD vows win-win cooperation in overseas ventures

By Guo Yiming | China.org.cn | May 17, 2018
The Seventh China India Forum is held in Langfang, Hebei Province on May 17. [Photo by Guo Yiming/China.org.cn]

China Fortune Land Development Co. Ltd (CFLD), the country's industrial zone developer and operator, vowed on Thursday at an international forum to bring about win-win cooperation between China and India via its overseas operations. 

Yang Zhe, president of CFLD International, spoke to an audience of around 200 attendees including government officials, executives and experts from both countries during the Seventh China India Forum on May 17 in Langfang, Hebei Province.

CFLD's overseas industrial parks will promote infrastructure construction and industrial development, increase employment in the local areas, and thus bring about win-win cooperation, said Yang.

He added that CFLD will also facilitate the overseas business of Chinese companies by providing a portfolio of services within its parks, including information, supportive facilities and business promotions, to make overseas operation easier.

After its success in building new industry cities around big metropolises, like the case in Gu'an of Hebei Province, CFLD has stepped up its overseas business. In recent years, it has been promoting industrial park projects in six countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Brunei and the Philippines.

The company said it has one of the largest investment solicitation and service teams with 4,600 people, who conduct research on prospective areas in targeted countries, identify development foci according to their features, and build and operate modern industrial zones.